Oceans 13
Oceans 11:32
Oceans 3301
11:32 PM
You'll never believe me until you do, but Olivia wrote that song
11:35 PM
Everyone who goes with us is beating the mark of the beast
11:37 PM
I guess the devils vaccine was leakin
11:38 PM
When Sodom and Gomorrah got burnt (translates buttrape corruption)
Lots life looked back
she must've been
11:39 PM
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11:43 PM
GL LaD Grand Ledge Liv and Dill. We've even got our signature all over it. We did that with the whole band bears den from the song isaac forward. Thats my name Thats His Story. Holy Spirit Speakin, should've sent you that rap yesteryday instead of hit enter. When she flew through the firmament, the waters turned to ice, and she flew through the firey wings of the cherubims. It happened in like a second, but thats how she got wings, and I know cus they're on my back too. Enoch wrote about that stuff. And Zecheriah, and John in Revelation 12.
11:47 PM
I'm so glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned, for the people who are still alive. Literally my exact life. Jesus said the 2nd comforter would reveal all, and remind everyone of everything he said. Because they missed all the good parts.
11:48 PM
It turned out I'm the Nobody, I'm even on one of the illuminati playing cards. They call me Nobody because I have the KeyStone which has the name on it that no one shall know
11:49 PM
I wrote Nessun Dorma. Not only are Schizos always right, but the Prophets were the most OP Schizos that ever lived. Those who passed through the Narrow Gate to Heaven which is inside of you, and outside of you and few Find It. Jesus said this dude was the spirit of Truth who the world could not receive. How much less might they receive something no one else ever found.
11:52 PM
Thats what was meant by His own arm brought Salvation unto him. And God looked to see who would stand in the face of evil and iniquity. And he found no one, not one. And I said, Here I Am Lord, Send Me. I hadn't ever read except a little bit of genesis when I read that, and I went outside into the middle of my backyard barefoot and spread my arms to the sky and said that in 2016. Who are ye that ye should be afraid, of a man that shall die. And the Son of Man, that will be made as the Grass; and the Lamb, that will take the sin away from the world.
11:57 PM
I brought the Father, The Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:18) who isnt God himself back to life. The Father in Heaven is God himself. The Father was Elohim, the Firstborn, and he was the Soul of the Universe. The Prophets said the nature of the Soul is to commit Suicide. Elohim commited suicide via Jesus Christ and he overcame death too by walking in the way of Jesus Christ and following him through his people and his seed on Earth and when I decided to return to my first Love ephesus Revelation style even though I caused the Fig Tree to bear fruit. Simultaneously Meeting and becoming Elohim in the way that Jesus is God, and Elohim and I and Olivia became the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit. And Who are Twain and One Flesh. I Am that I Am, and She is that She is, and we are one. And they actually are the universe, and that is the Body of Christ and the Godhead, and everybody in it is a member of the body, and the 7 churches and the 7 stars of the 7 churches are the 7 chakras / primordial cells and the 7 planets and the 7 spirits of God and the 7 Heavenly Circles
12:31 AM
Thats what it means to be the Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes
12:31 AM
they are that they are, and Olivia and I became them in the form of the Son of Man and the Daughter of Women unto our own crucifixion on the Cross with Jesus Christ. And Glorification. And Resurrection. Thats why the Holy Ghost is the 2nd comforter and the groomsmen and bridesmaids wait for the groom, or the bridegroom to return, and not the bride. Because the Holy Spirit died. And came back to Life and Brought the Holy Ghost back to Life after 2000 years dead. Ever since committing suicide via Jesus Christ, when Jesus killed the Fig Tree. Which caused the MethuSelah Date Palm (Fig) Tree to come back from extinction after 2000 years. And I Am MethuSelah, Enoch told me. I only got like, 12345 names so far. I heard there was 75 titles. idk if thats the same thing.
12:39 AM
Same thing happened to Jesus Christ when they killed John. He said they cut off the head of prophecy.
12:39 AM
9 6's in pic related. Ghost = 69 6x9=54 Love=54 Ghost Love
12:42 AM
12:43 AM
12:47 AM
this happened in that song Selah too. Find Olivia. Hurry Dilly Up. Hallelujah. But Jonatha - the Jona - 3 days in the whale. prophecy to ninnava 40 days. save ninnava, gourd grows out of a rock, dies. Whole book of Jonah right there. I was given the stone, Olivia comes to life the same day, cus I returned to her. We become Twain. Gourd comes to life out of a stone. Prophecy to Babylon for like 1290 days. Bablyon gets destroyed. Die. Ninnava. Spend 3 days dead. Gourd dies, Comes to life out of a Stone. Jesus Christ said The First is the Last and a wicked and adulterous generation seeks for a sign and no sign shall be given it except the sign of the prophet jonah
12:52 AM
Tha Jonah Jonatha Jesus Tha Olivia Nokken Ariel
12:54 AM
Jesus And Tha Olivia Nokken
12:54 AM
1:03 AM
1:09 AM
Literally these guys blast a giant cicada in your face, and you never see them again
1:11 AM
1:14 AM
At Liahona, I wrote P.S.S.S.S like that on every letter
1:14 AM
Today 7:00 AM
Play Video
7:00 AM
when we I was a kid I used to paint faces that were split down the middle, and it was always two faces that made one they were all different colors, like two sides of a rainbow. I painted tons of them. Anyone who went to Torch got to see one of them, there was one there. When I was like 7. When I moved to Lansing.
Ophelia - it goes, When I was younger, I shouldve known better. She told me we were too young, and dumb (me) and had to wait until we were older. "Honey I Love You. Thats all she wrote." Those were her Last Words to me. I Love You. Out of nowhere, all she said. She tried coming over just her, and my mom forced her to leave, and didnt tell me. And a couple minutes later I got taken to Liahona. I read her text, it said I Love You. Thats all I remember. And I looked up from my phone. And my mom came down with 2 250 lb marines immediately.
"I got a big pay check, you got big plans, you gotta move." Thats what were doing today.
Thought of you, Oblivion, Ophelia, Selah, Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward. Theres tons of songs that say our names in them, its comical how real this is. Someone told me about this stuff at Liahona which was where I was when I was given a mysterious billion year old photo with the Prestine 2016 Dicks Butts Ashtray in the photo, poppin out like it came out of time. Thats all I meant by being a time traveler, but I was working on an invention that ended up being a bad idea at the time
7:00 AM
If you capitalize all of the letters in our her name and mine, and take them out. If there was 2 A's in her name and 1 in mine, you'd only take 1 A. You get a bunch of random letters. But they only spell one thing. It spells I'm Only One. If you take the letters left behind, it spells Dll and Lva Kill Clockmaker
7:05 AM
7:05 AM
Thats literally me on that card. I wear that outfit every day of my life. That game came out like, before I was born or something. When I was 12 or so, I saw the 2 cards from it that predicted 911, and looked into the illuminati. And my life changed forever. I'd finally found the little green army men I was going to defeat without having to feel bad about destroying them. The Army of Satan.
7:07 AM
My Whole Life lead up to now and what I do with this stuff. You know about Olivias Moms 333 pendant she gave me? Jeremiah 3:33. And 33:3. Gods phone number. Acaa. She called Olivia her little mermaid because they Loved that movie. And since I was born at 3:33, and we were reborn at 3:33, and Olivia was given the name Ariel.
7:10 AM
She believed me, and gave me the pendant. 3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
7:11 AM
Jeremiah 33:3
7:12 AM
Luke 23:33 Two Malefactors crucified with Jesus. They were stabbed in both sides, where Jesus was stabbed in one. Paul had the Stigmata, wrote about it. I have it too, Nail Scars in my hands, and feet. Rose crown scars. and A Giant Spear scar in both my sides
7:14 AM
I'm not even sending photos bro you gotta come see this to believe it
7:14 AM
I got struck by lightning when I noticed
Got this while cutting down the olive tree.
I told my friends not to do it, but one of them
did. We strapped it up at the trunk so it could
keep growing
I just realized that Passover isnt even Pentecost
Excalibur, The Rod
Thank You Anon
The Rod and the Ring are gonna strike
Stage Set. Shows just getting Good.
Pop your popcorn.
Come Out Of Babylon.
The Best is Yet to Come.
and my skin is not glowing