Another arrogant idiot is trying to tell "Q" what to do?
Truly "Jones - Hicks" is a subject for "Q" research. It's all about social conditioning, social engineering, misdirection, betrayal.. Without that, without the Fake News [and "Jones - Hicks" is part of that Nexus], the criminals would not get away with what they are doing. His is the perfect spoof. He pretends to be the clumsy savior. It's absolutely important.
"Fake News" i.e. information control is the most important issue! "Top priority of the modern military"
"Jones-Hicks" doesn't just block Pizzagate research.
And of course the black hats are dying to have people shut-up about this subject and to have people go on believing it's a big "nothing burger."
Actually the issue is a window into the entire Social Engineering / Cultural Engineering psy-op. For how many years has the "top of the pyramid" guys been using Actors?
How many actors are actually spies? And why?
"Jones - Hicks " is totally connected to Tinseltown; its evils, its deceptions. He's "one of them" pretending to be a "Patriot"?
Doesn't that make people want to fight? So what if he has a million followers? Shouldn't that make it all the more reason to expose him?
It's alright to be lied to in the name of Truth? It alright to destroy the whole meaning of the word truth - when you have a big fat liar at the head of the "truth movement?" Do you really think the criminal conspiracy don't laugh their butts off over this?
Well, "Jones" was laughing too until he got caught by more than a handful of people..
Thank you "Q" [tears] We've been waiting forever and now it's here.
Q wrote yesterday ~ "you knew it would be coming" to paraphrase.
But I never believed it. Thank you Thank you.
(from past bread)
Yes, I always thought "Bill [the] Hicks" was a fake name. If you read the links on the dedicated thread you'll see there *was an original Alex Jones. No one knows what happened to him.
The two at the bottom here in this collage are not "Hicks-Jones"