>Atlantean Gardens
Hey, now you guys are catching on. How exciting!
The vegan meme is retarded.
Devour or die. This nonsense about not eating other beings is stupid. You absorb them. They DO NOT die.
Is Creator evil for calling us all home to reabsorb? No, of course not.
Take time with this and really think about it.
>Devour to survive; so it is, so it's always been.
Maybe (You) have…
No one here seems to touch what Rob has done.
Quit pretending this is obvious and I'm an asshole for not seeing it.
You're not understanding what is being said.
(You) may leave at any time.
Absorbing the physical aspects of another being is not evil.
You're listening to absolute garbage nonsense.
Taking these physical forms has costs. You don't get to fuck with the way things happen here just because you remember you don't belong here.
Pain is an illusion. Suffering is a choice.
It's not a cataclysm.
It's more like a sudden mass realization. They tell the story (stories) like it (they) mean the "end of the world". It isn't the end of our world though, but the end of [their] world.
Yang to Yin, anon.
Maybe it's because you (You) everyone that (You)s you.
Maybe it's because you retards let the namefag crew of faggots in the kitchen in the first place.
Maybe you should have listened when we "pouted" about [them] taking the only obvious intrusion vector.
You act like I and others didn't specifically bitch about this over and over.