Unban me faggot, and we can actually have a conversation.
I was literally posting from my main IP and then my hash changed or something.
Then BAM my ban is right in my fucking face.
And I believe in this.
Animals, Trees, Water, Air, Autism and Humor.
In my personal belief, the family unit is the absolute microchasm of the collective.
That there is need for administration that promotes these in a logical and clear manner.
With complete and absolute clarity of information.
With the allowance of citizen investigation and scrutiny into all systems projected as solution.
I believe in a harmony of technology and nature, but not the white washed lies and bullshit pronounced by leftism.
I believe that communities should hold absolute value over the changes made from top down, that no adminstration has the capacity to know completely what is needed and how changes and systems will operate.
Nutrition and exercise, education and psychological exploration.
We shall become the memes of production.
I don't think the strangle hold on psychological manipulation and warfare should remain only in the hands of the governing bodies.
I believe that all firearms and weaponry, both mental, influential and physical should be at the hands of the citizen.
At the same time I do believe that particular weapon systems should require the knowledge of the population and community you take part in.
Honestly, it is more to this and I am just typing it out sort of haphazardly because I'm moar concerned about this FUCKING PERMA BAN then explaining my half baked idea of Eco Fash, hyper spiritual, space and mind exploration.