Thank You Rookie Baker!
So…. tonight… on Josh Gates' Expedition Unknown X-Files version or whatever… Tonight's episode they teamed up with Luis Alazondo (Spelling?), the guy who ran the Pentagon's ATIP prgm. I remember him from our old HUMINT & CI days in the sandbox. (You really need to watch the movie "The Objective" BTW).
Bottom line, this episode was excellent. So they see some cool shit out near Catalina island, which btw is the backyard of Edwards, LA AFB, Lockheed, Boeing, and Northrup Grumman's Top Secret facilities… Anyways, they drop a magnetometer in at night and get a crazy big hit. So Dilroy drops a ROV which swims down to about 850 ft and gets a green EMP from something. Then as he his communicating this incident with the Girl who's set up on a ridge recording their boat. A small light (USO) rises out of the water and disappears out of frame. Later analysis from a DAP camera estimates the craft was doing approximately 21,000 mph with super high-G acceleration. So either, they staged this with two Underwater Rovers plus an Amphibious Drone, or they caught some damn good jaw dropping footage. Right now some new series is on, but this episode is showing twice more tonight, on Discovery Channel (Dish Network's Guide). FYSA.