What a beautiful day. I hear music in my mind. The weather could be nicer, bit I don't mind.
>and Demon Souls had one of the best plebbit filters in the history of video games.
What was Demon Souls' Plebbit Filter?
Spoiler me, I don't plan on owning a PlayStation anytime soon.
Very nice Anon. Thank you.
Oh, quick google search led me to believe it was a PlayStation exclusive.
I started playing Dark Souls 3 a few months ago. I could not get into it at the time because it became obvious that you would have to invest some time practicing to have fun.
I might give Demon souls a go after the semester.
What a spectacular time to be alive. I feel beyond blessed to witness the ascension of humanity as well as the complete transformation of human society.
No! ;-)
Wrong! :-P