Why would they tell their babbling parrot anything?
Ok, Jussie.
SDNY is the FRBNY tong cell.
He's one
Fake lottery, it's all crisis actors now. It's so obvious that they can't afford to stand next to an authentic, unscripted person.
A plague so devastating that vaxx pimps have to pay people to take their poison.
Her natural death? These people don't make deals, they buy time, until they can fuck you over. Examples are required. If you were right she would at least have stepped down. The whole cabal is loose and still in office. Not a fix.
You are out.
The private, foreign, criminal, genocidal, commie UN corporation has done enough Human Rights violations to be executed en masse. End the UN. They are crooks. They never did any good, they only take credit for everybody else's good works and pocket all the money.