Anonymous ID: ef0a88 May 28, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.13773915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4037

Dr. med. Jens Bengen was an Urologist, a fighter for truth.

He had a YT channel "Sword of Truth" and after they deplatformed him, he had a telegram account.

He fought against the Corona lies.

He put online a form with his signature for every German to download a to fill out for themselves, if they felt that they couldn't wear a mask.

Because he believed that forcing people to have a medical exemption for the right to breathe freely was evil. This was the reason, why he provided this form online for everybody who wanted it.

Dr. med Jens Bengen believed in Trump.

He lost his medical license.

He still went on to fight against the CV lies and the evil agenda.

He believed in God.

This Wednesday he took his own life.

His brother announced it on Bengen's telegram channel.


Q said:"You have to show them".

Q, I'm asking you:"When will enough people have lost their lives for lack of hope,

lack of truth?"

How are people or groups like you not responsible by playing with the lives of people?

Or is it only collateral damage for you?

If the other side are war criminals,

what are you in your own opinion?

This man fought for us, he fought for you.

If you would have cared to tell the people the truth about the CV agenda, he wouldn't have lost all hope and would still be alive.

When will enough good people have died to satisfy your cruel plan of "You have to show them", Q?

I hope that there is a God and that he may punish you hard

for your evil plan of letting the people suffer instead of telling them the truth and giving them hope.

Anonymous ID: ef0a88 May 28, 2021, 7:06 a.m. No.13774107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This anon can't handle any of it. And…the endless waiting for something new to drop is driving me to insanity.

>Trump was complicit in all of this. He allowed criminal psychopath Tony Fauci be the policy manager and mouthpiece throughout 2020


"Enjoy the movie", how taunting is that?!

Anonymous ID: ef0a88 May 28, 2021, 7:35 a.m. No.13774312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4456


>So what causes the mass delusion…

It's the inability to think.

Even some high IQ people aren't able to think clearly because they aren't able or willing to see and to gather the FACTS.

They just don't want to see what's going on.

They rather pretend that everything is still fine and normal.

Otherwise they would have to face the kind of facts that will really frighten everyone.

And they cannot allow that.

They fear FEAR itself more than anything.

The price of that is always loss of what it is that allows you to stay human.

But they cannot see that.

Anonymous ID: ef0a88 May 28, 2021, 8:08 a.m. No.13774566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4613



>It's horrifying to think about muh fren.

Goebbels said at the Nuremberg Trials that you don't need Nazism to implement fascism. You just need to fill the people with fear.

Doesn't matter what kind of fear.

People just need to believe that they might face a horrible fate, a horrible death, in short: a coming nightmare.

That's it.

When people are full of fear, they lose the ability to think.

Then there is only the instinct for survival left:




You cannot fight against a "virus".

You cannot flee from it because it is "everywhere".

So you freeze.

You comply with everything they force you to do.