Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.1377558   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7567 >>7620



You missed the point - of course kikes finanaced adolf a la ((roth)) agenda for its own purposes. Key here is how people are used. Whether adolf was a genuine quantity or not is irrelevant to that topic…and does nothing to detract from the fact that israel and jews are HEAVILY involved with the ((cabal)) and are actively trying to subvert this board.

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.1377623   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7751



Before the true ((roth)) plan can come to fruition, they need all nations on earth to have a form of central banking under ((roth)) control.


Duraid Durgam was appointed head of syrian central bank since 2016…now that is an interesting name. Can't find much on this guy.


Remember, it's about control.


Iran is the only one left.


Where this is all going, I believe white hats have control. That being said, Patriots must keep supporting Q and POTUS while FIGHTING for US.


Jews and israel are black hat quantities. This has been proven beyond any doubt. Individual variances are only statistical anomalies. This requires outside of subverted 'modern' thinking, which some of us still possess.


Q team is doing' good work. Stay strong, Patriots.

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.1377663   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7686 >>7692 >>7793



We know, Patriot. It does no good to heap it all on BO though. We understand the positions.




I would ask BO to seriously consider looking into some of the activities of BV and such from /PatriotsFIGHT/ point of view. This is vital since it is ABSOLUTELY essential this board is free of such higher level infiltration by JIDF.


Appreciate your services. Did you and CM get the 'thank you' from Q team he mentioned? That must have been good.

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.1377733   🗄️.is đź”—kun



There are various levels to this. This is not a game. There really are criminal/state level actors in play, and it's not just about ridding a board of potential (((shills))), be it just a spam jidf cunt like b7d63f which we know have been on here for ages, or some kike that wormed its way into more core positions.


I will leave it to Q team and POTUS at this point in time. Let's dig, and fuck the jidf. We can counter them in more ways than they know. God help these stupid fucks if they are in US or canada/mexico.

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:30 p.m. No.1377815   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7904




We can fucking smell your (((shill))) ass a hundred miles away. Nice try keeping up copying PATRIOTS and trying to (((project))). You are weak.


You really know nothing.



There are two sides to this conflict, but I suspect BO is stuck right in the middle with no real way of knowing which is which. I would suggesting thinking /pol/ fashion to figure it out - that would be my personal advice on this matter.


Also, this is still the damned internet. Interactions are not real, communication of information is, however.


Don't take it too seriously on personal level , good BO.


Thank fuck some of us never got into social engineering media decades ago. I feel sorry for the influenced folks below 30 years of age.

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.1377864   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7985


Check f168d0 post history. JIDF classic.


Now one article for digging connections.


Anons, remember the israel - china and MZ connection considering the AMOS-6 satellite.


Huma Abedin Helped Harvey Weinstein's Wife Cope With Scandal




"With Harvey Weinstein's eventual indictment supposedly coming any day now (of course, both the NYPD and LAPD have been hinting that indictments are imminent for months), the disgraced Hollywood megaproducer's estranged wife, Georgina Chapman, has come forward to do an interview with Vogue - her first since the scandal broke nearly eight months ago.


Interestingly, Chapman recalls how she got to know Huma Abedin - of all people - during the summer of 2017, just months before the Weinstein story broke.


Abedin, who also spoke with Vogue for the story, described Chapman as "stunning" and "funny"."


Birds of a feather

Anonymous ID: 0db779 May 11, 2018, 5:37 p.m. No.1377890   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Relax, good Baker. BO is good with us. We can win.


On the other hand, we now know the 'power' of something like this lol.


Imagine a whole generation growing up under this influence…unbelievable.