‘Audit’ of Windham, New Hampshire Is a SHAM Due to Conflicts, Independence Issues, and a Ridiculous Audit Program – America Deserves Better
The New Hampshire audit of Windham is horrible. Its auditors lack independence and are conflicted due to their relationships with Democrat devils Pelosi and Schumer and each other. And, their audit plan was a bad joke from the start.
We uncovered on Wednesday, May 26, that the audit in New Hampshire was over before it started. Two of the three auditors selected to perform the audit have connections to Pelosi and Schumer and the third auditor had his connections with the other auditors wiped from the Internet a few days after he was selected for the audit.
Uncoverdc has done some exceptional work putting together more questionable and concerning actions related to the audit in Windham.
The first observation by uncoverdc is that only one of the auditors was involved in the audit the last few days of the audit. (Reminder that the requirement was for three auditors involved in this work.)
Thursday is the final day of the forensic audit in Windham, New Hampshire. Despite being chosen as a team, computer programmer and voting machine hacker Harri Hursti has managed the last remaining days of the audit by himself, opening up the voting machines to examine them forensically on Wednesday.
Hursti apparently had a bone to pick with some observers claiming he uncovered the ballot fold issue and not a local resident who brought it to his attention.
The problem here for Hursti is that his connections with the other auditors being hidden as soon as he was named the third auditor and his knowledge that looking at the machines and memory cards is a worthless exercise eliminate him from being an independent and really show much about his current character. As we noted previously in the article above:
Therefore, back in 2007, the Diebold machines and memory cards that Hursti boasted about being able to secretly control, are the same ones Lindeman, Hursti, and Stark were all supposed to audit.
Hursti agreeing to “audit” these Diebold memory cards, given his national exposure of their egregious built-in flaws, is indefensible, suspicious and you now have to wonder, just what is his real agenda? Also, why, did Verified Voting appear to disappear evidence of Hursti’s seat upon its advisory board?
VV’s current webpage shows he is not a member. However, the Internet Archive tells a very different story. As of April 29, Hursti is shown as being a member. On May 3, the NH AG and SoS hired him to be a member of their audit team. Two days later, on May 5, any evidence of Hursti’s participation as an advisor with Verified Voting had been deleted.
A local patriot who went in on her own time to observe the audit had a damning update of what she saw.
The main issue to be investigated was why were certain ballots in one machine (Machine 2) in the Windham election causing issues. Hursti claims it’s due to dust: