DC death rattles.
Prior to the announcement of "WuFlu" or SARS-CoV-2 in the fall (late 2019) friends and family across the US and even in Europe had respiratory issues. One friend sick for about a month I think and took antibiotics. Sister in another state told she had a virus at some point but it was "not contagious" according to the doctor (how did he know?). Many children in European Country where more of my family lives were sick. I think the school may have closed for a bit. My elderly parent and myself may have had something but I don't remember getting significantly sick at the time. Parent had deep "chesty" cough, I think.
For some reason seeing that text barrage makes me really, really angry.
I just posted a video by Timothy Dixon. I made the comment "DC death rattles" by the side of the embedded video showing the Native Americans.
I don't want to put my own interpretation on what Timothy Dixon had to say, but it seems that the same evil spirit that caused so much death among the native peoples here so as to eliminate them is also at work in wicked folks in Washington DC who want to use COVID to eliminate us.
It seems judgement is being brought by God for this wickedness.
I just posted a video made by Timothy Dixon that mentions judgment coming on Washington DC because of the evil at work there to use the "COVID-19 virus" to depopulate us. His prophetic dream included a Native American prophet who basically said that what had been done to his people was what those in DC wanted to do to us. Judgement is coming to those do persist in this evil and have failed to repent, even of sins in their families, I think. (I'm trying not to misrepresent anything I heard in the video.)
This reminded me of some previous digging I did when the "Standing Rock" protests were going on.
I remember reading about Black Elk and a vision or prophecy about hoops joining together into one.
Black Elk apparently was very sick when he was young and lay unconscious or comatose for a while (this is from the Wikipedia story). It seems this was where his vision/prophecy came from.
The part about different peoples represented by "hoops" coming together into one "hoop" was very significant, I think. I watched a lot of footage of what was going on at Standing Rock and was amazed by the unity of the people.
I could not help but see something powerful of God at work there. Even the names meant a lot. Standing Rock evokes for me "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand" The saying "Water is Life" (Mni Wiconi) reminds me of the words of Jesus