People need to buy VPN and hold the fort.
We need a new BO
We should campaign for it with Watson.
They point is to try to drive us out so we should stay.
If you have VPN you can stay.
People need to buy VPN and hold the fort.
We need a new BO
We should campaign for it with Watson.
They point is to try to drive us out so we should stay.
If you have VPN you can stay.
They need to close the board down.
This op must've cost some money
They have a way of bribing / threatening to get the mods they want.
on every other site
Think they even killed Aaron Swartz.
so ,,, yeah don't abandon ship
Get a VPN
Good thing about this place is that it's arrange so people can not be banned
Think about Finkle.. day in day out 24 /7 loads of money to get that first place in line every day
Couldn't be banned
If the creeps can't be banned than the actual anons shouldn't be either.
The famefag BV moogoo guy is obviously not conversatn with us
Though he tries to prove otherwise by giving us nicknames of people he supposedly knows.
Is he showing off for BO
? I know these assholes, They hate me because…. blah blah blah.
Why don't they get their own board called Anti-Zionism
Why commandeer here?
They are stealing.
They are stealing our legacy, our brand
bv is muh jew / finklestein
riding on the coattails of Q research
We need a BO
We should petition Watson
I was thinking of starting a board
"Q research Refugees"
Wow the BV is describing exactly what it is doing
As I wrote. low IQ
Satanic inversion to the TEE
Dude had got to be an amoral Luciferian
Think they can be funny / cute
and act like "anon"
with the throw away wwh1wga
low IQ
This is like the eighth name he has called me
all of them wrong.
doesn't know the definition of gaslighting
low IQ
If the must realize qresearch was never rascist, neither were the Republicans nor Trump; what can they do then
Scream "Russia" some more
Oh right they are already doing that.
"did you know the servers for 8kun are Russian"
they are starting to run out of things to distract people from THEIR crimes
If THEY must realize qresearch was never rascist, neither were the Republicans nor Trump; what can they do then?
They will have nothing left
so they MUST take us over with StormTroopers.
I'm starting to really like the Vatican material now
Must be good if moogoos goes crazy trying to stop it.
I told you they were low IQ
it's an anon board, yet it chides someone for being "not white"
Has to be FBI
No one is that stupid nor writes worse scripts
Must be the Langley scriptwriters. No one else is that bad.
Where did the mental retards come from?
hey look, there's Adolf and RRosenstein