Am I the only one that filters #ID 000000 every time???…raise your hands!!!
yep, I know…but most if not all of them lately are just outright assholes…
not fail…just selective!!!…just like it only took one post to know you are a asshole…simple…
The problem is (you)…it's not a 1st amendment issue…it's (you) fucking with the BAKERS, the Board BV's, Patriot Anons…and all and all just disrupting this board…I said before:
I like my CAVE MAN side, the way I look at it, If someone stumbles into the waterhole(8kun) and starts giving the stinkeye to the rest of the herd(Anons), you(BV) pick up the nearest tree branch, smack him(you) over the fuckin' head and fling it to the heavens in Kubrickian glee and I'm(me) OK with that!!!
The BEST!!!
you're just sad, pitiful and pathetic…go find a job, begging for shekels or something…