Why do you hate the Catholic Church?
Do you hate the Catholic Church?
Why do you dislike Christ's Church?
You think the Catholic Church is a "mystery Babylon religion"? They don't seem to be doing a good job of keeping themself a "mystery".
No I don't get the drift. what are you trying to say?
You think every person is Christ? So you're a jew then?
So the jews were right to threaten Pontius Pilate that if they didn't crucify Christ, they would instigate a rebellion, and get him thrown out of his job?
I don't understand.
Ok jew. It's "niggers" btw.
And the jews threatened to revolt if he didn't execute Christ. Hence why Christ said
"Jesus answered: Thou shouldst not have any power against me, unless it were given thee from above. Therefore, he that hath delivered me to thee, hath the greater sin."
you didn't answer >>13779856
So the jews were right to threaten Pontius Pilate that if they didn't crucify Christ, they would instigate a rebellion, and get him thrown out of his job?
Well, no. But you are acting like a glownigger and usually when anons do that they want to explain themselves. You glow so bright that you can't even see that your answer already condemns you, though, so that's funny.
Why do you reject the salvation of Jesus Christ? You don't seem to deny that He existed. You don't seem to deny that the jews crucified Him. But somehow you want me to believe that you think "Christ is inside all of us"? Feel free to explain any of this in a coherent fashion.
Or don't. Your choice, glowie.
Well, the kike is using it now. But I take your point and well spotted.
I was so hoping you'd explain your position to me. I'd love to convert if you can just demonstrate it's true!
kek! You glowies are trying so hard, and not fitting in at all. Surely you could hire someone better than this?
You should ask your manager for a better script. This one sucks. It's not your fault, you're not one of us so you can't blend in. You should accept Christ and get baptized. It will transform your life.
He's learning!
So wait. Not only is BV OSS, but he's also Austin? And Christ is going to come back early to bring the rapture just to end him?
You suck at this, kek.
I like what you did with it.