it's interesting how the word racism, which describes a personal opinion, is forever the topic of regulation, education and politicized change. Racism is nothing more than an opinion and it's not illegal to have opinions or dislike people based any number of factors. So what? We've given the word race as such power a we have the word nigger. Affirmative Action was our only remaining form of 'systemic racism' until now. Racists who are creating racist mandates, laws and propagandist curriculum against white people- actual systemic racism -are lauded and encouraged and in this case, overt racism is characterized as a necessary form of revenge hate and punishment toward whites- based on the color of their skin. SICK
then where did the flu go?
Maybe we'll find out that all flus are made in labs
Orange is the New Black
Speaking of Milk, I can't get the idea out of my mind that the milk cart missing children were snatched and some turned into 'elite' puppets then trounced out in the 'Milk- it does a body good' campaign as adults. How fkg sick is that. And using Milk symbolism to 'show you'…
23andme to find suitable matches for their body doubles