Is this the active bread?
I am so confused…
Is this the active bread?
I am so confused…
I posted this in the other bread.
You may or may not find this interesting.
Not to throw a wet blanket on old Patrick, a man I respect, but…
FOR FUCK'S SAKE, there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to HANG EVERY LAST TRAITOR, and until the FBI and other agencies that are SUPPOSED TO "Protect us" do something, we can post all of the EVIDENCE until we are blue in the FACE, and nothing will ever come of it.
← picrel.
Not really buying that argument.
I live in a "progressive" Neighborhood that didn't even vote for Regan when he was super popular.
This time around, most of my Neighbors voted Trump.
What the DS did not anticipate was Trump's popularity, and the reason why Trump got more votes than any other candidate in history is because DEMS crossed party lines to vote for him.
The FBI, Military, and other COCK SUCKERS are not doing anything because they are so compromised.
It's a fact.
My $.02.
>How do you arrest 2/3 of the government of this country (and other countries) without mass panic?
You just do it, and hold a press conference.
People are STUPID.
>How do you prevent the collapse of the global economy, deliberately, by the globalist bankers?
Trump already declared the US Govt. INSOLVENT. It is a done deal.
>Are there still 'doomsday' scenarios that have yet to be defused?
The "elites" are not going to commit suicide. They need plebs like you an me to eat.
>Are you willing to see hundreds of millions die to get it over with quickly?
Based on what I have researched, at least 100 million Americans will be dead due to the Corona virus VAX. You really think they care?
>Just keep in mind, this is bigger than we can imagine.
I am not an stupid, and have known about this shit since the early 1980's.
<The corrupt have to be removed precisely and surgically in order to not kill the host body.
The body is already dead. What planet do you live on. Gen Z can't figure out an ash tray. Seriously, WAKE THE FUCK UP.
>The sacrifice that we are all making will only bear fruit years from now.
This is the stupidest statement I have ever heard. Congratulation. You should get some sort of an award. ASININE is how I would categorize it.
>Eventually there will be peace and unity.
Keep drinking the Kool-aid. You are beyond any hope of your believe that BULLSHIT.
>This is a victory worth waiting for.
Keep blowing smoke up your own ass.
I understand that reality suck ass, but until you, and millions of other people take your HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, we are doomed.
Cowards love to filter out UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS.
That is why America and the world is in the SORRY STATE IT IS IN.
Thanks for being part of the problem, while pretending to be part of the solution.
>nothing can stop what is coming
You mean about 100 MILLION AMERICAN DEATHS in the NEXT 5 YEARS?
I have to agree.
Thanks for playing, dimwit.