Dem riots condoned because it was used as the justification for ousting Trump. I think SC punted on fraud cases because they knew (planned) riots would ensue if they had ruled there was fraud.
Peaceful protests (AKA riots) against Bidan, OTOH, were/are throttled and penalized with pre-trial jail time, and called an "insurrection". Intimidation against any Trump supporter to speak up, cancel culture, is also in use.
Insurrection is correct, though, it's the legitimate mechanism by which a people ruled over by an illegitimate government can oust it. That's why it can't be allowed to happen.
Trump announcing rallies started an offensive designed to mobilize an intimidated MAGA into an active opposition against Bidan policy, An active opposition will bookend the threat of dems using riot optics by using informed, citizen protest. This is why Ryan is decrying "populism" and the new MSM/shill attack on Trump as an enemy of the people.
Bidan can't handle criticism. MSM has to be forced to submerge themselves in the absurd to pull out some kind of shit to try to defend him, because Trump is going to take him apart at the rallies.
Whatever the dems have to do now to defend this Trump offensive will be the "gut punch". Any opposition has to be silenced. Whatever it takes, and they don't have an ethical or humane lower limit.