9:09 pm is 21:09 military time [format conversion]
60 minutes in an hour [unit specification]
60*21 is 1260 [multiplication]
21:09 is 1269 minutes [unit conversion]
60 seconds in minute [unit specification]
60*1269 is 76140 seconds [unit conversion]
76 + 1 + 40 is 117 my favorite number [un-sauced digit breakdown sum operation]
7+6+1+4+0 is 18 [partial digital sum operation]
18 is one more than 17 [un-sauced comparison]
1+8 is 9 [complete digital sum operation]
9 is 6 upside down [symbol matching]
6 is bad mmmkay? [un-sauced symbol matching]
If there is a connection, map it using understood logical frameworks
[Un-sauced] implies you have not provided a logical framework. If you use an un-sauced method, you have to explain how your method is valid, otherwise it becomes bullshit numerology.