Anonymous ID: 1133b6 May 11, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.1378772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8903 >>9114



This is not mine but a good source.


A few very important things happened today:




"Here is a long discussion, but basically Charles Grassley called in Joe Pientka to testify.


Never heard that name before? That’s the OTHER FBI agent with Deep Stroke who interviewed Flynn & who said Flynn didn’t lie. You say, “Wait, why haven’t we heard that name?” Because Sessions/Horowitz had him on ice for six months. They knew this six months ago. See why there are things going on here that don’t fit the “sleepy Jeff” meme?


So here’s what this means: Pientka will testify Flynn didn’t lie. Now they have Deep Stroke: he either will confirm (i.e., the truth) or will lie and risk perjury. If he confirms, they will have two witnesses saying MCCABRE CHANGED THE 302 summary of the interrogation.


(It almost certainly is McCabre: he is high enough that he could do it and not require changes in multiple documents).


So now we have McCabre giving a phony 302 as evidence to Contreras. Since DOJ/Sessions/Horowitz already had the info from Pientka, they send that info to Justice Anthony Kennedy, who yanks Contreras (and he may be charged later). New judge Sullivan instructs Mulehead to turn over “all exulpatory evidence.”


2) Now the question is “when did Flynn know this?” and the answer is probably, “a long, long time ago.” And if he knew, then our theory that he allowed himself to be set up as part of a sting has merit. Meanwhile, does Mulehead know the 302 was false? There are three answers:

a) Yes, he’s a bad guy, and he goes ahead anyway

b) No, and it doesn’t matter if he’s a good guy or bad guy, McCabre gives him a phony & he think’s it’s real

c) No, and he’s in on the sting and plays his role.


3) This is very, very important: Sessions/Horowitz had Pientka’s name for a half a year and IT NEVER LEAKED. This is how good their investigation is.


BUT THE FACT THAT THEY ALLOWED GRASSLEY TO MAKE THIS NAME PUBLIC NOW IS BIG. It suggests they don’t need to protect the whistleblower anymore because it’s endgame.


4) So Nunes/Gowdy go up to DOJ and come back with nothing. Why? Because Sessions/Horowitz said, “Be patient. We almost have them. If we start releasing names now, not only will you know, but Schifty will leak everything to the public and we stand a chance of blowing some cases.” Nunes & Gowdy agree to come back in a week. That should tell us that the IG will have something ready in a week.


5) Now, on this cake put on the frosting: We now know the FBI planted a spy in the Trump campaign. This is serious Deep Coup stuff and we should see axes falling soon.


Today Rush hypothesized that Trump doesn’t just de-classify these because he likes being the underdog politically. I think it’s much more serious-—that Trump understands real people’s lives, from CIs to spies abroad to allies’ agents are at serious risk here, and he isn’t about to do that. He doesn’t need to. This is ALL going his way. Rush keeps inching toward our position, only to pull back. He may get there someday."