Anonymous ID: eadee5 May 11, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.1378694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>Scripts, bots, operator assisted responses. (((JIDF))) 101


>wow you got a lot of fucking hot air coming out of your keyboard in Tel Aviv


>here read and weep:


>think mirror


>think projection


>the more propaganda and phony anon "research" jew, zionist, israeli posters put out


>the more memes we need to post


>the more they blame the woes and evils of the entire world on Americans


>the more they blame anons for the very shit tactics they employ (ip and teampost fagging)


>the more they point to the overwhelming over-representation of Americans in positions of power as evidence of wrongdoing - not hard work and merit - sounds like marxism again so….


>the more nasty amd threatening messages and replies they create


>every bread incessantly…..


>Jews misuse ((())) brackets secret code ring which (((they))) now claim is means Cabal which is a lie


>the more all anons can be 100% certain they are a mirror of the truth - in other words complete and utter lies to divide we the people

Remember Jews are onlt 2% of the population with extreme amounts of power and money


>that is what they fear the most…losing this power and money


>its happening


>PS - also thick headed morons do not understand jew graphic posted by Q due to centuries of brain washing by jew owned MSM


>PSS - Roths are JEWS first, only and always - they use the SAME divisive messaging to divide black and white Americans along with all their other tricks - so pointing at them as anything but 'Jews" is another lie