I suggest anons start reading the bible, I have a feeling we are getting close. The last empire is either complete and just waiting for their, "leader," or, nearly complete with only a few adjustments needed to complete it. Beware the EU.
Consider this.
First of all, WHY was Jerusalem and the temple destroyed and the people taken into captivity? WHAT bad habits, religiously, did they pick up in Babylon? How many Jews were taken into captivity? Let's assume around 300k. They were there for 70 years. So, that means, that approx 1 million could have been in Babylon when Cyrus freed them. The question is, how many ACTUALLY returned to Israel even after Cyrus told them they could go and even helped them? About 50k? 50k from 1 million? Why didn't they ALL go? Where did they pick up the Talmud? They even call it the Babylonian Talmud. What ancient pagan religion did they pick up? Chaldees? Was that the religion that Nimrod invented? Semiramis and Tammuz. The kabalah. Show me where in Leviticus it says to have rabbis.
So here is the scenario, the temple is destroyed, they go into captivity, they can't observe Gods ordinances. What to do? Well, even before they got taken into captivity, they were worshiping idols, in fact, it was one of the main reasons they got sent into captivity in the first place, so it's safe to assume that many of those in captivity were already predisposed to idol worship and would be open to pretty much anything to replace what they SHOULD have been doing. This seems to be the point where rabbis came into being and gained much influence over the people and their practices. The seed had been planted. Rabbi just means teacher, but how did they get elevated to seemingly the level of the priests of Levi? I suspect that many Jews are being lead astray by some of these, "rabbis," I think they mean well, but have forgotten their roots. From what I can ascertain, they tend to teach mainly from the talmud instead of the Torah. Guess who wrote the talmud. The rabbis. It is mainly a collection of writings by rabbis and some others, EXPLAINING the torah and adding all kinds of other stuff to the word of God.
Well, that's true too.