>No one is moving to ABCU8.
Stop including me/us in your silly games.
We are not recruiting. We are all working on things.
ABCU8 has moved on to a new project(s).
>No one is moving to ABCU8.
Stop including me/us in your silly games.
We are not recruiting. We are all working on things.
ABCU8 has moved on to a new project(s).
Or maybe I read the posts, but ok you are the HRA and know best..
You are so funny. If you read all we have posted and given our objective was clear.
I do have job my "fren" I have told you several times I do Project Management.
You know the last picture is yours.
Have not posted datestamp.
Here are my Patches you are referring to.
>claiming you were part of Q team and NSA/MIL Intel/Army Psyops all at the same time.
Never Claimed We were part of Q team. Said we knew Q team. Not the same.
Sgt B is Army intel as told.
me (babyfist/patchfaggot/ ETC) am a CIVILIAN i do Project Management
We said We are NO SUCH AGENCY
We were running a White Pysop between ~4/20 - 5/5
>You took a picture of a computer monitor, just like I did.
Incorrect, I got images off Google. Cuz i have opsec and 8kun doesnt strip meta data…
> I just own a better monitor than you because you are a poorfag trying to make money off of anons work.
You have accused me of trying to make money for over a year, I have made no money from anons or their work.
We did support several websites and alot of other communities over the web with our own time sweat and dollars out of my own pocket.
You like many others here do not know me. You think you do but you are very confused on who I am and what I do and have done for the movement. But i like it that way.
>Here's the best part, if you actually tried to be part of the community instead of failing BIGLY at trying to trick the community you may get somewhere. Can't fix stupid though
I am part of the community. I have been anon for a long time my fren this is not just a ~3+ year battle for me.
We/I have tricked no one we have been truthful and transparent.
>you ~~guys~~ always seem to forget that anons that were here before you.
guy* I am 1 person.
I doubt that could be…
Ask the SA OGs or 8chan OGs or 4chan OGs (Moot,Snacks,etc) or Ron, Jim.
Sgt B and crew worked as 4.
Director, Admin, B, Me
Director was hands off.
But that is all over as we said log ago… You fags keep bringing it up.
Its all logged here on the kun, and other archive sites
Your lies and me correcting you too, go look…
ABCU8 is a community of users.
Seems you struggle to remember what is what.
>Moran finally admits he got the images from Google
Have told you several times actually.
I am not pushing any Posts…
I have not lied to you or anons..
These badges are Real.
I also have a collection of Anon created badges they are great!
I have not complained about BV I have only been watching the drama.
Only requested you quit including ABCU last night.
I have no association with the current FAKE Q poster.
I have no issues with FJ.
Our board is not seeing new members or anything.
Would you be happy if we delete it?
We did post last night saying we are going to bring some stuff we have been working on for the community.
ABCU is collective of people.
I am 1 person.
I have always been here.
I do not think I will be leaving very soon.