Whether "fake Q" is bullshit or not, I am fighting the good fight and by God's grace will continue.
Whether "fake Q" is bullshit or not, I am fighting the good fight and by God's grace will continue.
When people discover that vaccines have been intentionally used to create profitable diseases for many, many years it will not be pretty for those still working for Big Pharma who did not take this moment to repent and confess.
Interesting timestamp you got there.
There are a lot of ruined people and families out there including my own. I hope justice prevails. I'm not looking for money to solve problems, but people need resources to rebuild their lives and the baddies need the kind of deterrent that prevents future evil.
Which aspect do you want to discuss? Vaccines are satanic in nature. Health is not injected. People of any wisdom know this and refuse to be injected. It is impossible to impose government coercion on healthy able-bodied people residing on their own land so it is necessary for the population to be weakened with various mandated "vaccine pogroms".
This is what vaccination has ALWAYS been about. We in the West just lost our minds for a bit.
Not this, I take it? A company I used to work for implemented open book management. It seemed like a good way to run a business to me. I did not understand it when I saw the site "Great Game India"!