and he can predatorally flirt on innocent victims while delivering a speech to the American people…, this is cnn
parmasian abilities
and he can predatorally flirt on innocent victims while delivering a speech to the American people…, this is cnn
parmasian abilities
….and then we gave them a stimmy shimmy in the mids of the world's worst hyper inflation ever manipulated
bwhahahahacanckle cnackle
bbwbwbababbaahhahahahhaha cackcle cackcle
when the president of the united states ses something so vile - he deserves to get throat punched by a SEAL
enablers protectors screaming banshee witches
cackle cackle
sucks to be you
anyone who stays silent on the president of the United States committing an act of pedophilia in front of the whole world is guilty of the same pedophilia.
snl should make a skit
its so funny
when the murder for hire knows whos the big boss and they coming for the same murderer
muhnarcobabiesnobodydaughterfatherNIGGERplease novela
facebook isnt a state actor
nor poo's nor schmusck
notthe abc's 123 or 13
an island unto ghislane self
parmasian biden
yes, lets keep making distingctions on the fact he abused a child right in front of the whole world
no bid deal
colbert funny
mike meyeres big mike funny ellen, oprah, poo fiunny…