Anonymous ID: b2f8e3 May 29, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.13787078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13786855 (lb)


Dealing with highly classified material.


Often times the "facts" or parts' lists of classified material are not classified, but the "Keystone" information that forms a usable, functioning whole is.


Keystone is left for us to discover, not be told about.


Re: disinfo... sometimes knowing what something can't be is as important as knowing what it could be. Disinfo could point us in a direction we didn't think of looking in without divulging true information that was highly classified. If true, then b, if not true then c. Denotes a vector change, but leaving the exact vector direction unsaid, for classified reasons. Later events would indicate if the direction we assumed was correct or not.


E.G., you're in the woods with a map, at a crossroads. Not sure which direction you're facing because you don't have a compass. From the map, there's a pond a mile away if you go one way, but nothing in any other direction. You haven't seen a pond thus far. Only way to know where you are is to pick a direction and see if there's a pond. Have to return if there isn't.


IIRC, Q talked about that early on.

Anonymous ID: b2f8e3 May 29, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.13787225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7407





Don't read Chinese, so SWAG, if true:


Chinese won't let US pol elite scapegoat them.


Law banning GOF research n the US was 2014. Who was POTUS then, and who did POTUS use as his "lead" man in foreign relations? China knows, if we in the US don't.


Fauci directing the research data flow between what was legal in the US and what needed to be put in a usable form (illegal in the US) in China. Hunter was the bag man used to keep the Big Guy's hand clean of any filthy lucre.


China says to Obama and Biden, regarding 90 day investigation, "Fuck you, go ahead and make make my day". Fauci and Hunter are in the middle. Part of the deal and that's why they got paid the big bucks, whether either of them were aware of it or not.


Margin call up ahead.