Anonymous ID: 818948 May 29, 2021, 10:21 p.m. No.13789546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9747


Q said in drop 2619


Gold shall destroy FED


This cannot be talking about gold metal because it is constantly hung out as a distraction by clowns. The world reserves are several times larger than commonly understood because true reserves like the Yukon Motherlode are kept secret.


FED cannot refer to the Federal Reserve because it is called "the Fed". Q did not use an article and used all caps which usually means an acronym. There is an acronym FED for Foreign Exchange Desk. Every bank and multinational has one, creating money out of thin air in the same way that Quantitative Easing does by arbitraging foreign currencies.


This was made possible by the Petrodollar which only exists because oil is scarce. But what if oil was really plentiful, not a fossil fuel, but made in the crust of all planets including Mars.


This all brings us back to Gold. Thomas Gold who proved that petroleum is abiogenic and can be found in very deep boreholes like the 6km+ ones he drilled in Sweden to test his theory. Note that Ukraine's Burisma is also drilling 6km and deeper.


The Deep Hot Biosphere


It should be read by anyone who supports MAGA because the abundance of resource wealth will totally change the world.


You will see a drastic CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance


Oil is NOT a fossil fuel! It is actually created in the earth's crust throughabiogenicchemical processes. And it is renewable and very abundant.


Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.

Anonymous ID: 818948 May 29, 2021, 10:47 p.m. No.13789688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9698 >>9884

There is an interesting person posting on Gab who used to post on Twitter until he was deleted by the POWERS THAT BE.


Under the user name@Symbolshe now decodes the comms (symbolic comms) between the Clown cells and their handlers as well as between Clowns and Patriots who are encouraging them to make deals and flip. The Patriots goal is to get the evidence to put the really evil people away while giving those born into the Circus a chance at redemption andreparation. This is how they are=DRAINing the Swamp. It is a REAL THING that involves draining the offshore bank accounts. Thing is that Biden may actually have that $6 trillion to spend because of thereparationsthat have been collected so far.


Q may have been a complex counterintelligence op that was created by the Clowns to soften us up for the Great Reset. That is why so many of his drops turned out to be lies. Some of them were targeted directly at Clown cells likeNO DEALSwhich was telling the Clowns to stay loyal and not flip no matter what. But I believe the Qgroup was actually a Clown group that had already flipped and who carefully crafted their drops to seem as though they were still loyal Clowns following orders while letting those Autists and researchers among us figure out theTRUE FIELD OF PLAY.. We learned about the vast corruption in the world and helped spring the trap of Q when it became time to go public and start the real anti-Clown campaign. That is when everybody took the oath, remember?


Check this blog for more, much more on the hidden ops that are going on all around us..

Anonymous ID: 818948 May 29, 2021, 11:28 p.m. No.13789896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9909 >>9912 >>9915 >>9921



There is so much Clown gaslighting on this board that we should call itGaslight Circus.


There should really be a heck of a lot more research posted this…


At the Waldorf-Austoria Hotel in New York before the American Newspaper Publishers Association at a Bureau Advertising Dinner on April 27, 1961, John F. Kennedy mentions the “national security state”, but this is not the first time nor is it the last time John Kennedy mentions the “national security state”. In his speech President Kennedy addresses his discontent with the press’s news coverage of the Bay of Pigs incident, suggesting that there is a need for “far greater public information” and “far greater official secrecy.” Just how much secrecy is needed to run an “under ground government” with all subsequent presidents since 1947 being the titular head only of that government?

Anonymous ID: 818948 May 29, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.13789944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0014



I don't think his genealogical research fingers the Jews. He connects the Cabal people to what he calls the Phoenician Navy, worshipers of Moloch who dominated the world in ancient times, In fact I think he is showing how they enslaved the Jews as aRED SHIELDwhen the Scottish bloodline Rothes established their children in the Frankfurt ghetto using the family name Rothes Child to create a correspondent banking system to control Europe.


We really need to dig deeper into who and what the Phoenicians really are. And part of it is that they are MINERS who keep their sources secret, like the tin mines of Britain and the tin mines of Michigan's upper peninsula. The Phoenician mining activities have been wiped from the records.