Anonymous ID: 1cd1d9 May 11, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.1379677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part One


I've been wondering about McStain. He has been so adamantly opposed to releasing information on POWs in Vietnam. To the point of bringing women to tears, calling people conspiracy nut job dime store rambo's, et cetera. He made legislation letting the government off the hook from criminal penalties for hiding POW information, and he made it near impossible to get this information for family members of POWs.


I have a theory. There was a semi-promised ransom of 25 billion that was never paid. They sent a letter saying it must be approved by both parties governments and kind of tricked them because it meant both countries congresses must approve it. Our congress did not approve it and thus we never got all the prisoners. That seems to be the general theory around why they were kept behind. Now the prisoners have no bargaining value and are a liability for Vietnam who was trying to enter the world sphere on good terms.


What if they knew of the intent to fool them and not pay.. They always considered McCain a very important hostage. Nicknamed the "Crown Prince." The McStains have always been treated well as his father and grandfather were war heroes and super important high ranked military commanders. However, I believe that at least the father was cabal friendly.


>The US government’s official position on the USS Liberty corresponds with Israel’s: The attack was unintentional and a result of Israeli blunders. This is the official position despite the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State Lucius Battle, and a long list of US Navy officers, government officials and Liberty survivors are on record saying the Israeli attack was intentional.


>Surviving crew members were threatened with ‘court-martial, imprisonment or worse’ if they exposed the truth; and [the survivors] were abandoned by their own government.


Jim Morrison's (The Doors) dad was the admiral who launched fighter jets that were called back from helping the USS Liberty. Pic related. Back to theory now.


Back in the 60s I believe the SOP of killing anyone who has knowledge of damning evidence against the government wasn't in full effect across the board. Plus he was important enough to have his death noticed after such a monumentous event like the USS Liberty. I'm going to go out on a limb, but I believe if Israel owes you a big favor you are going to be given special treatment and have an above the law type of protection because Israel still has huge influence over America because they were smart enough to call a desert the name of the holy land in the bible. I should of went out and made a country called Israel, I would be fucking set!


McStain Jr (father traitor) covered up USS Liberty and probably became very important to the cabal at this point. Back to my earlier point above that McStain III (traitor) was a POW and I believe that when Vietnam figured out the USA wasn't really going to pay them, and we still haven't to this day by the way, that they wouldn't let McCain go without keeping regular prisoners behind as leverage or collateral. Why else would his nickname be "Crown Prince" ? Because he was important to Israel and everyone knows, except Americans for some reason, that Israel really runs America. At McStain Jr.'s request USA left prisoners behind so he could get his boy back most likely because Israel said so.


I believe McStain gave his torturers legitimate US military positions and information. He broke like a back mountain. He was probably directly responsible for multiple soldiers being ambushed and dying. His actions towards hiding and keeping the information about POWs buried seems to point towards this. I don't believe it was about the hostages or trade only, although there obviously could be more to it. Why not let grieving families who still have no idea where their missing family is at least know they were captured and/or dead? Because there is something more to it like always.


Admiral McStain was the head of the board commissioned by Lyndon Johnson and Macknamere, sec of def. 10 days after the incident they reported that it was an accident. Totally covered up. There is an interesting declassified NSA file on the USS Liberty. It is the UAR alleging the US was involved in Israeli military operations and it was an order for an investigation into whether there were communications and whether Israel has tried to coerce the USA into joining the war. The other documents show barely anything of importance… There are much better places to get information. See end of post.

Anonymous ID: 1cd1d9 May 11, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.1379682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part Two


Here is a good historical background and detailed 83 page report from the NSA on the USS Liberty. I am scanning through it now for more details to support my theory, Important detail here though. All the countries had agreed to a ceasefire by June 8th. Later that day Israel comes in to try their "false flag" to kick off the hostilities and finish their plan to attack the Golan Heights, aka Operation Focus.


The USS Liberty was in range to hear all their communications. There are three theories I have heard for Israel motivation that seem plausible, false flag being one of them. Israel had just recently executed 500 or so Egyptian prisoners at their prison camp near by.. the name escapes me but it is in this fairly informative video. Israel wanted to invade the Golan Heights and started their invasion on the 8th. The USS Liberty was in range to pick up all their communications. They were probably trying to destroy the evidence of their plans and at the same time try to false flag a valid reason for the agression. Finally, Russia had just united Syria, Egypt, and Jordan under the UAR. Israel could not allow the Arabs to band together against them so they aggressively engaged them in warfare and tried to use the USS Liberty to have a reason. When it failed they attacked anyway.


USS Liberty useful resources. - Amazing analyis of this.


Also watch eye witness reports and testimony on youtube and the internet.

Anonymous ID: 1cd1d9 May 11, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.1379775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9791



Q didn't target anyone. This is Q showing a prime example of why he does no outside comms. He is showing two agents at work trying to distort and shill. Showing us a prime a example of people trying to mislead and steer people away from Q. He meant it as an example and showing a reason why he is here and not on some controlled from top to bottom site like youtube or reddit. Anons took it upon themselves to harass them. I mean yes, Q is kind of calling them on their bullshit but it isn't a fucking call to arms. Chill the fuck out people. Anons acting like autstic retards is nothing new though. Jumping the gun and going crazy over something is kind of a common occurrence.