Anonymous ID: fbbadc May 11, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.1379439   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was with you, anon, until

>5) Now, on this cake put on the frosting: We now know the FBI planted a spy in the Trump campaign. This is serious Deep Coup stuff and we should see axes falling soon.


I'm not buying this 'spin' right now. There are too many unanswered questions.




"Where the rub is: Nunes wants what the Justice Department can't give, sources tell my colleagues. The intelligence community is concerned that handing this information over could jeopardize the source's safety."




Where the rub is: A House Republican and Trump ally threatening a member of the Trump administration.


But Nunes's threat also doesn't make much sense, since Sessions doesn't oversee the Russia investigation.


Q Team aka Intelligence Officials


Where the rub is: They won this argument. Kelly sided with the intelligence officials, and Trump sided with Kelly. It marked a rare moment where Trump was backing the Justice Department for keeping information from his allies in the House. Trump regularly attacks his own administration for this, which is widely seen as part of his broader campaign to undermine the investigators looking at him.




Where the rub is: If he changes his mind and tells the Justice Department to give documents to his House GOP ally, that could force a major showdown between congressional Republicans and Trump on one side and the Justice Department on the other. In other squabbles, the Justice Department has stood down and handed over most of the documents congressional Republicans requested.


But this feels different. Intelligence officials are concerned that lives could be at stake in a very direct way, and were so concerned they took their worries to the White House. They don't seem willing to bend on this one.



Anonymous ID: fbbadc May 11, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.1379623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wut - Ezra Cohen-Watnick not working at the DOJ yet…


despite reports that he was moving there last month to become a senior adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


What's the hold-up here?