For the sake of argument, lets "assume" that Scavino is on the Q-team. (Not saying he is - this anon would never do that.) But IF he was and IF Q's trip has been removed to silence Q - Q team would have foreseen a way to communicate leaving plenty of holes for plausible deniability.
We all know that Q team is always here watching. They may have been waiting for a chance to act. So they see somebody remove an entire bread. They see the hullabaloo that follows - including a BV calling out loudly that the board is comped right up to the top - and posting tons of hashes that prove his point. (The silence of BO is deafening). This is the environment that Q-team has been watching for to make their move. So using their permission to access Project[D]Comms, "B" posted this huge clue + plausible deniability which is needed.: "Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours."
Buried within the multiple Memorial Days posts from Scavino is a time stamp that points to a Q post:
We are under HEAVY attack.
AB[C] took control.
Tripcode compromised.
No. 131 Last.
Note it is the [C] in the kill brackets – not the B.
Also note the "No. 131 Last". That points us to Qpost 131 and to the last remark Q made: "Please stand by".
So our full message is that we are under heavy attack, C has taken control, the trip code is compromised, please stand by as new tripcode is coming (maybe a new Trump platform?)
They knew in 2018 that [C] was embedded and going to pull this at some point. They had the Q drop ready to go for this scenario. (Maybe BV is even on the team - more built-in plausible deniability)
CM added to likelihood of the above scenario with his "best guess". Does he know something? Maybe, but again - plenty of plausible deniability.
The long absence of Q plus some "seeming" Scavino clues through the months of silence further bolsters this "assumption".
I'm feeling pretty good about what we've witnessed. Just sayin'.