Is it wrong to daydream about a mass culling of cunty teachers?
If it is, I don't want to be right!
Is it wrong to daydream about a mass culling of cunty teachers?
If it is, I don't want to be right!
Who hasn't wanted to cunt-kick a flight attendant?
Don't even get me started on the "male" ones.
So much for releasing the Kraken!
Not converting to talmudism and cutting your babies cocks.
Pharisee first daughters are not to be trusted.
Get your vax, goyim!
Why would you live with a Democrat?
I hope you at least run her toothbrush along your nether regions a few times a week.
An opened can of sardines under her bed works too.
Didn't laughing man or someone larping post earlier in this thread?
A banned screecap from yesterdays FakeQ.