last night graveyard we had a quick couple posts from ID: 97e953 right at the end of the bred
>1t is becoming clear
>great things to come if we work together
<what's 1t?
that was one badass anon btw
last night graveyard we had a quick couple posts from ID: 97e953 right at the end of the bred
>1t is becoming clear
>great things to come if we work together
<what's 1t?
that was one badass anon btw
good choix dude
chekt digits
e-bakes are autoghosted
looks like it has cock and balls tbh
can confirm that intravenous nad is akin to the fountain of youth
Using some prescription nad products daily, like the nasal spray, sublingual and a topical, none of which do even close to the iv.
And yes. Niacin=nicotinic acid=nicotine.
Crazy fucks smoke like a chimney for a very good reason.
why else would bidan want to lower nic levels and take menthol from innocent [jogger]?
favorite song
keepin em busy
making america great again meant a lot more than we knew at the time
fucking glorious
we bout to get reeeeeal busy anons
enjoy it you glorious bastards
patriots fight
marxist champ backhole barry