Anonymous ID: c2294c May 30, 2021, 2:41 p.m. No.13794393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13793951 (pb)

I see a lot of patriots getting confused/sloppy in how they explain the way that the vaxes are injuring folks. When engaging or arguing with normies, it looks bad on us when we get caught stating something that isn't factual. So in the interest of giving it to normies like it is without getting egg on our face….


There are two main ways that injuries and 'adverse events' are occurring:


(1) Artificial spike proteins produced in the body at the mRNA's instructions are attacking the veins, arteries, placenta, testes, lungs, and several other areas. The spike proteins are not contained in the vax material itself – they are produced in the body because the mRNA told the body to do so – but I see a lot of confusion on this point.


(2) The nanolipids which encase the mRNA are responsible for breaking down the blood-brain barrier and causing neurological problems. According to the leaked Pfizer document, they are also getting into the ovaries and spleen where they do damage. Preliminary studies into the weird magnetic effects of the vaxes suggest that the nanolipids are primarily responsible.


There may well be other ways the vaxes are causing harm. More and more, I see that normies are turning to anons to understand what the hell is going on. So it helps if we can explain things to them clearly.

Anonymous ID: c2294c May 30, 2021, 2:51 p.m. No.13794479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739


mixed in with the discussion of suramin is the issue of shikimic acid and how that might help prevent damage from the spike proteins.


Fennel (the seeds used a lot in Italian sausage) and star anise (the liquorice-tasting spice used a lot in Chinese cooking and the well-known 'five-spice powder') are said to provide a lot of shikimic acid.


Anon made a pot of fennel/anise tea today and it was pretty pleasant. A little dizziness at first - maybe it was too strong. No way yet to independently confirm whether it has any effect on spike proteins. But here is some reading on the subject:


"Shikimic acid can be removed from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifer trees simply by boiling the needles in water, said chemistry professor Ray Fort Jr.


But the extracted acid could be valuable because Tamiflu is the world’s most widely used antiviral drug for treating swine flu, bird flu and seasonal influenza. The major source of shikimic acid now is the star anise, an unusual star-shaped fruit that grows on small trees native to China."


on fennel for shikimic acid see:

Anonymous ID: c2294c May 30, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.13794561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OK, LARP and all but still useful data points to collect here. CIA anon's (i.e. BDAnon's friend) latest:


"The release of the virus was an accident the subsequent events were not and long term the Chinese have embarked on the strategy you suggest. The world as most folks know it is over. In the coming months the theft of the 2020 Presidential Election will become apparent. What happened in Hamburg will be public. Having been there I should know. The virus will continue to be released by Chinese agents in its different forms that were developed in China at the time of the original virus development. Fauci was used as a cover. The Chinese and others have set him up as the fall guy so any problems would appear to be his fault. Not that he is not a bag of shit and should be tried for treason he should be. As the world burns view it as a necessary process to weed out for a better future, but it will a tragedy beyond understanding and China is already dead and the leadership knows it. They are desperately trying to escape the world they have created. Intelligence sources in China say the most severe form of the virus will probably be released in the United States by several agents from China who will die for their beliefs. Keep in mind Xi is evil personified and his time in the United States as a young man were spent plotting the day China would be the primary power in the World. A key element of this plot is the taking over of the major agricultural producing areas of the United States, areas of Siberia, energy resources, and Alaska. He is in the clock. They are things he is not counting on and those things will ultimately destroy him."




CIA anon here was responding to this message:


"The first virus was released as a primer. It provided cover for China to vaccinate its citizenry against the real bioweapon before deploying it. This is a multiple virus bioattack. The first creates pandemic conditions with little health impact, but is similar enough to the real weapon (developed from the same scaffold as the primer) that vaccines will be effective against both. Look for a varient with multiple simultaneous mutations that each provide gain of function - that will be the bioweapon.

The west wasn't clueless and raced to develop a vaccine as fast as possible. Scientists think the spike will be conserved between all variants as it has four consecutive positively charged residues (which indicates it's engineered) - so they targeted that with the vaccines. That said, they used new vaccine technology which can rapidly be deployed to protect against other proteins if this isn't the case. This is why they're sequencing every variant possible as quickly as possible.

Anyway, I hope you were vaxx'd, because the real bioweapon is actually going to be killer.

You didn't think they shut down the world economy for a little cough like SARS-COV-2 did you?"