>baiting this hard
>talking to yourself
Sign of neurosis, might want to get that checked out next time you grab a bagel or pastrami on rye.
>you're always involved with all the problems that were caused to this board for the past few months
Oh, good, more gaslighting.
>quick switch
Nigger I've been posting on this ID the entire thread. Your lies are transparent, like you.
From what I can tell, jews literally never learn but I'm with you on everything else.
>petty drama . Who gives a fuck?
>proceeds to sperg out about board drama for 10 more lines
>I'm not involved in any of this drama
>proceeds to insert homself directly into the drama
If I'm not mistaken that's "ashes and echoes anon". He's suicidal but refuses to kill himself. He's not acting, he acts like this 24/7, and has for years now. I tried to befren him once, pointless. A real lost soul.
Adult diaper lovers.
This ploy isn't going to work.
Freedom of speech means always asking jews for permission to speak. Pretty sure that's in the constitution somewhereโฆ