If China, with the help of US actors such as Anthony Fauci, either intentionally or accidentally released a bio-weapon (a contagious virus with an engineered toxic spike protein) then what follows:
Do "We the People" continue to buy items "made in China"?
Do we continue to listen to government regulators and agencies such as the NIH which funded the dangerous bio-weapon research? (The NIH was largely founded by eugenicist and racist Mary Lasker, so this is not some weird "one off" from the NIH, btw.)
Are we obligated to listen to "authorities" that are failing to address the attack on our lives and sovereignty?
What is our godly and patriotic duty?
Similar questions can and should be asked about the fraudulent election, also hijacked by "the middle kingdom" with help from friends in Italy and elsewhere. (Funny how the Vat-i-can bows to the CCP, and Fauci just got some fancy award in Italy, not to mention the big reveals on Italian involvement in the election hijacking. These nasties all hang together it seems.)