Well, you nailed the time hack…encouraging. Find that zone you were in earlier this year…the past few weeks were a little over the top.
Have a Navajo peace symbol.
Well, you nailed the time hack…encouraging. Find that zone you were in earlier this year…the past few weeks were a little over the top.
Have a Navajo peace symbol.
Declas decloak
Lizards like 'em plump and juicy. 5 years ago, this wouldn't have any sense to me…now it's a leading possibility. The tyranny of options.
They've overplayed a losing hand against a better player. Sadly, they're too stupid and evil to pick a least cost exit. It'll have to be imposed on them and that I feel is already underway.
wut dis?
Found sauce at Dutch Sinse' page and he's also got a link to a DoD MP4 of SecDef Esper talking about Rus/Chi both having DEWs in space.
We really are just bugs once the tech gets to this point.
Wonder why we haven't heard anything more about this after PG&E fell on it's sword? The whole thing went away…in the MSM.
But the people have us…kek