>JFK is rolling in his grave that a lying scumbag piece of shit like yourself is using his picture. Why not use the fake google badges like you used to?
He must have burnt them up trying to impress Jim about how honest he is.
>JFK is rolling in his grave that a lying scumbag piece of shit like yourself is using his picture. Why not use the fake google badges like you used to?
He must have burnt them up trying to impress Jim about how honest he is.
>See who brings shit up as i was just lurking and sharing shit with the board in peace.
Another lie. OH before you claim its not, how are we to know? Its not like Jim has just named ME as the one who posts bullshit on Q's board. Your integrity is shot to shit. YOU lied about YOU!
No trip no Q. B is a scam of babyfister and comms karren.
>>What a dumb shit you are
>>You literally posted as "B" without a VPN
>>What a dumb shit you are
>>You literally posted as "B" without a VPN
>>What a dumb shit you are
>>You literally posted as "B" without a VPN
>>What a dumb shit you are
>>You literally posted as "B" without a VPN
What? Who? Who did exactly this and Jim named?
>that is your truth
No its THE truth one post wonder. No trip, no Q. Deal. THEN we get a GV, who is supposed to be working WITH the owner on making sure the entire site works well, taking advantage of the owner and raping himself, any credibility and any future of having any positive effect on the future from here.
>It means P.A.N.I.C.
>Gotcher tor ID.
Post it! Ill than have the BO check it. Bet it wont mach, ya ignorant lying charlatan.
>can you show me the post where Q said
Can you show me a post where Q said your opinion has value and that you should be believed?
>monster showing his face
One and the same. You should see him sing "Im a barbie girl" He has either a daughter of a fairly young age, or he is a complete faggot.
>Bet the farm on "complete faggot".
I hope not, I'd much rather the child. Imagine the shame of having her dad, drug out into the middle of the net, have it be said that he did something likely illegal, certainly country threatening. Creates a much deeper scar.
>this YT is connecting to 8kun
>trying to look like he is anon
>gross asshole
Weird innit. After getting Jim to help him and all, to betray that trust. Glad IM not a part of such fuckery, with my face all over creation.
>One day I want to know why so many patriots are in PI
Dirt cheap would be why, never cools off, and as far as them knowing each other, the place is like 3.5 miles across. I would think everybody knows everybody.
>is he trying to good stuff just looking really bad in the way he is doing it???
>is he good guy that is just really bad at delivery???
Traitor to his country.
>@10:36 there is NONE of the # hashtags on the screen
Yeah cause THAT hasnt been reedited by now. wow.
>I think this image is fake
Think what you want. By all means, also think Jim is lying, that he really didnt go in bare assed, no vpn, no nothing with his IP blinking wildly, use his login and password for GV and then post in the Q spot. Your call, but I think * just ran a spa special you should check out.
8โฆ.the * was supposed to be an 8
>so this is a set up to make him look creepy
No, it is creepy. The clown from IT was less creepy. ALL clowns are less creepy, especially when they are singing barbie girl.