Happy Memorial Day, Patriots. I just got in the biggest fight ever over "politics." Liberals talking about the "Black Wall Street Massacre" 100 years ago and how they were killed by racist kkk white people. I calmly say, "That's right, I agree with you, racist KKK members who were Democrats massacred those black Republican business owners." And then the liberals said, "yes, but then the Democrats and the Republicans flipped and changed sides years later." To which I responded, "they never switched sides, look at Congressman Byrd who was one of the top Democrats who was the Grand Cyclops of the KKK. He was Hilary's mentor and Biden spoke at his service. I just watched a video of Bill Clinton explaining how Byrd only became a KKK member in order to get elected BUT what Bill Clinton didn't say was that he joined the KKK in order to get elected AS A DEMOCRAT!" All hell broke loose and I was kicked out of the house. They kept saying "you're such a smart guy, you've always been so smart your whole life, how can you be so brainless??? You're acting as dumb as Trump." "I asked, "you still think Trump is dumb?" "Yes, I can't believe you're spitting out his talking points." I said "it has nothing to do with being smart, just google it. Look it up for yourself. Don't listen or trust anyone if you don't want to, just google these things for yourself and use discernment." They shut the door, I leave. Now I'm the guy who ruined Memorial Day. Had to vent to you, Patriots because I know some of you have been going through this for years as well. These folks have not budged the slightest bit in 5 years. Zero progress with these people. They can't possibly be part of the 4-6% of forever brainwashed otherwise every single person I know is part of the 4-6% What has happened up to this point has not nudged them in the slightest bit. Something big must happen for them to come around. I was a LIFELONG liberal Democrat. All it too for me to completely come around was watching Trump's speeches and then watching how the fake news spun his speeches. Seeing fake news in action was all it took for me. It was so easy to see, what is wrong with these smart people I've known my whole life in not seeing it at all!? Please pray for those who have still not yet seen the light. Thank God they know the light of Jesus and are true believers. Pray for them, Patriots. I know you are. MAGA
Thanks for your kind words, Patriot! I'll pray for those in your life, as well. Keeping the faith!
I understand what you're feeling. I too, would like to see it happen soon but then again, just imagine the fear that the enemy is feeling every single day that this continues! Or as it says in 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."