Anonymous ID: 455bab May 11, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.1381338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


lmao you clearly didn't see the episode of his show after Trump threw down some missiles in Syria in April….where he CRIED and turned on Trump. Faaaak. If we've been watching a movie this whole time, watching AJ cry on cue was the piece de resistance.


There's no denying he played an instrumental role in waking Americans, challenging them to 'question everything' the MSM fed the masses. However, with Q now front and center in the minds of most patriots, AJ is no longer the face of the resistance and he's taken some heavy blows as a result - not only to his pride, but to his bottom line. Not terribly surprising that he's done everything in his power to subvert Q in an effort to reclaim his throne.


Infowars' slogan "There's a war on for your mind" now seems that much more relevant.