Anonymous ID: c0c48a May 11, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.1380915   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's true. Shills tend to present little packages of information

And then demand that you believe what they have to say

Because they have just presented you with the proof

Their reasoning is always simple

It never goes deep

It never gets complex and ambiguous

A shill would never, ever suggest

That the most ANTI-SEMITIC group in the USA today

Are the Jewish Hasidim

But if you read this article

On the Child Rape Assembly line

Right to the end

You may agree with me on that point


And note well

That the man who is lifting the veil on these evil people

Is a Jewish rabbi

Not only that, he is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi

As Q said, most people are good

When they discover evil, they want to stop it

They want to unveil it


But remember, this is not the whole story

Not even on the Hasidim

If you dig deeper

You will find there are many twists and turns

There are good people trying to do the right thing

Who are blocked by evil people with power and money

Evil bands together

How do you explain that the crimes of these Hasidic rabbis

Are virtually identical to the crimes of Catholic priests?


When the wave of arrests begins

And people see that POTUS is serious about unveiling

And prosecuting the evil ones

Expect a wave of victims to come forward

And speak for the first time

When they believe that they will be listened to

That the evil ones have been cleaned from the Justice system

Only then will the Great Awakening truly take hold among the people.

Anonymous ID: c0c48a May 11, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.1380957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0996 >>1153



The original English pagan teaching was


An it harm none, do what ye will


Which in modern English would be

If it harms nobody, do whatever you YOU would decide to do.

In its essence, it was the rule of life of a primitive people

who were not under the thumb of a nobility

that ordered you to do what the Lord and master desired.


You can see how the satanists warped and twisted this

As they infiltrated that pagan religion

Just as they had infiltrated every other religious belief

Evil bands together

But it cloaks itself with non-evil garments

So that the naive people

Cannot see the true evil which lurks within

Who would think that a Catholic priest

Could be the most evil person in the community?

Anonymous ID: c0c48a May 11, 2018, 10:14 p.m. No.1381020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1122



This is a good way to fail utterly


There is a well established path to creating new ventures

You are skipping important steps

Have you done market research?

Is there a demand for your service?

Do you know what people are willing to pay?

Do you have a plan to compete with the Communists?

The ones with bottomless pockets who want to dominate

And monopolize the conversation?


Do you have a plan to start small?

Could you run a small coffee shop?

If not then why should anyone trust you at all?


You sound like a lazy self-indulgent bastard who wants to enjoy life

While others do the work and feed him.

You love to dream

But success comes to those who LOVE TO WORK.

You like your freedom

But success comes to those for whom a successful business

Is worth giving up all their freedom for.

In any case, those who are serious about creating a business

Spend their time at the local library

Not wasting their time sitting on the Q research board.