The Chess moves were dasting today. Cruz/Graham toting Israel, Trump endorsing Abbott who then in turns shuts down child pillaging in TX…while Ted is gone. Fauci's emails…hell of a day. And Bidan again approaches little girls and puts Harris in charge of something again….that she won't do.
With that attitude it won't. Ya ever think about changing your mindset? Do you even Quantum Bro?
Who sent the FOIA request or were these leaked?
That's sketch
Declas doesn't always mean 5 eyes either.
Instead of theatrics by our Congress…they could literally execute this on Fauci.
I think a lot of people forget there's no outside comms….and yet people follow this guy. Trump won't be the savior…gonna break a lot of hearts.
fuckin KEK!
one boat parade…believe me, i hope a million people show up to his rallies but, ya can't push a vax man.
After reading hours of emails, crimes against humanity were exposed tonight…it's a fucking toss up at this point.
Very well could be…And I hope it is…I'd be happy with all of them in one fail swoop too.
is he just realizing this?
He has the platform.
That's their largest ship?
back to row boats then…ya, big nuclear threat.
everything is fine…chicken sandwiches and shit.I'm lmao
i bet it knows some shit.