>what did they ever do to you ?
I'm glad you asked!
Many more examples available!
>you do know that 6 million jews were murdered in WW2 ?
The war that judea declared on germany killed people? Shocking. By the jews' own admission, the 6 million number was heavily inflated, and isn't born out by population records of the time, in fact, according to official records the number of jews actually increased during this time! So the 6 million claim has been reduced several times, and now sits around 2 million, last I checked, which is still far more than official records indicate.
There was no holocaust, but there probably is going to be one.
I'm a disabled former US Marine. Male. White/Native American mutt mix.
Not on a vpn, not hiding.
The goyim know, Chaim.
Hitler was a sensitive artist and vegetarian. Not the jewish make-believe monster. He loved animals. He was kind. Why would he murder so many more or less innocents, who were victims of their culture?
He was just a human being. If he was a faggot you jews would have loved him. That's your thing.
Do you think letting jews turn Berlin into this was loving!?
You people are either sick or brainwashed by propaganda. Hitler put a stop to the Woke bullshit of his day, something no leader is doing now, because of what happened to him and the rape of Germany and it's people afterwards. They tortured confessions from the Germans by crushing their testicles. These are perverse people.
If you can solve the JQ through non-violence, please do so.
Trump? Lol!
He's saving HIS people.
Do you practice kabbalah?
If not, you are probably not his people.
He has always stated publicly his loyalty to them.
Whites? Not so much, huh?
His daughter married who again? And that owned which building? The 666 building, right?
Hmm. Big think time.
Crom actually gives no rewards. Crom expects humans to be powerful and win without his help. So Conan was basically not worshipping Crom, but just being like "Hey bro watch this shit".
Any group that calls itself alone 'chosen' AND says everyone else is 'cattle' to be used and abused, can reasonably be considered anti-social at best, and completely hostile at worst, towards decent society.
You have no freedom of speech because jews will never willingly give you the freedom to call them hurtful names. Never. Facebook doesn't, amazon doesn't, MSM doesn't, hollywood doesn't, etc.
Let me ask you something, who gives birth to the 'bad jews'? Is it always 'other bad jews'? No, it isn't. Good jews can have awful, subversive children, can't they? So from good jews, you will in a few generations have many bad, yes? So that will re-cause all this awfulness for our grandchildren, yes?
You know what this is leading to just as I do, and I actually don't like it any more than you do, and wish you wouldn't have forced it.
I really used to respect you people.
>if someobe abuses your people, nation, laws, destroys families, promotes transgenderism to children etc, you must meet them personally before you can hate what they are doing to you.
"Slowly I began to hate them."
Adolph Hitler
You know all the prophesies about your prople.
You know, even the rabbis say openly, Israel, as a nation, should not be. You have pushed every boundary, even those you yourselves created, to it's breaking point.
Soon there will be no more words. You will waste those you have left playing cute on an imageboard that increasingly knows your darkness better than you know it yourself. I would pity you, I would help ypu, I would even cry for you once you were gobe, if you would ever stop playing your trickster games.
It is not I who condemns you, but yourselves, and because of that, God.
>If your way of thinking is correct, every Jew should get charged
They will not be charged. They will be expelled for the 110th+ time. I'm not advocating it, I'm saying their actions will have this inevitable consequence because it already has for at least 109 times throughout recorded history. They keep doing this. Over 100 times. That's the european estimate. By jewish estimates, the number is over 200. They are proud of it, you see.
Please, no more pilpul word-salad, thank you, though.
All jews will potentially spread jewish culture through secret oral lineages so this situation will repeat until the culture disappears. Modern 'jews' are mostly descended from khazarian converts from a few centuries back, so the people themselves, being fundamentally non-jewish in origin, are not an ethnic issue, as others here have stated repeatedly.
Your opinions are only opinions.
I'll tell you something, you might not find it funny, but I do. I used to be a liberal. I used to deify Israel, read books about Mossad, I thought you guys were so cool, really, the smoothest badasses in the world lol. That's how well your propaganda worked.
Then I found out the truth about you, and how you operate.
Several years ago, on this boards previous iteration, I told you, or someone exactly like you, that I wasn't actually going to fight you. I was going to shut up and let you be awful, and let everyone see how you were when you think you're being sneaky. I said I would simply let you destroy yourselves.
And now here we are, with your fake-Q 'B'-astard. I want you to know, even though I predicted your 'B'-ullshit, I still had no idea you would fuck up on such a tremendous scale.
You idiots were asking where I was for the past few years: I told you when I stopped posting what would happen, and every bit of it did. Give you enough rope and you do the job perfectly yourselves, EVERY TIME. Like clockwork, uou are that predictable.
And tomorrow you will return posting the same awful behavior think no one sees it, like fools on a very unlikely and ghetto grand political stage.
Facts. Not opinions.
As I said, you or someone just like you. You very much do all act the same. Big coincidence, right?
No one said anything about wikipedia until you said it. Badgering people with nonsense accusations is a pilpul technique that will not work on me, but thanks again for trying.
Crypto-jews are still jews, rebbe.
I'm guess your thick glasses obscure your vision or whatever, sorry you read slow.
No one cares.
I don't have to do anything, you and those like you will create consequences for yourselves just as you are every day here, becoming steadily less popular and less influential as a result.
That is a fact. It has already happened. These are not opinions. You are wrong, constantly, and life itself is and will continue to show you.
Your 'B'-ullshitting days here are over. You and those like you will be called out from here on, and I won't have to do it, others will continue for me, without me asking, because truth is infectious, and spreads like fire in an oven.