when they are pushing this shit on children through comics games, and blues clues of all things the brain washing is being done. It is disgusting and i agree the rope needs to come out. two adults fine. But to indoctrinate children when they have a hard enough time. Fuck that…then on top of it unicef saying porn is good for kids. HELL …millstones for all.
well we know you are getting a millstone then faggot.
why dont you fucking do a flip off the tallest building you can find. But then again little faggot lovers like you love to deflect. Go splat.
I don't want to either, not really. I just wanted people to be cool again, and not push all these terrible ideas, and censor art, but the more you learn about the nature of this battle, the anger does grow, and part of that is because others are not seeing it yet so the burden is on us who do for the time being. I did not start this way, but i have become hardened since. I try to find comfort in faith and the simple things, but it is difficult, knowing how rampant this disease has affect the world. I really truly do want the best of every person and for them to be fantastic. But right now, seeing blues clues and sesame street promote this and to race bait, what are decent people supposed to think, when we are facing a monolith. We pray, but in terms of action, what recourse do we have but to fight.
partially because many of that time used aliases, some could be agency men, but often times thy were black. Artists had the same issue one of the greats was Matt Baker who was only recently rediscovered. However saying that old sci fi was very based on predictive programing, star trek is a great example for good and bad.