I wonder if this also works
Nope. I was going for the purple, but no go.
Gays need to be enlisted in the fight against pedophilia unless they want to be taken
down with them. What goes on between consenting adults is one thing, but when it
involves children, that's when the rope comes out.
> He was kind. Why would he murder so many more or less innocents, who were victims of their culture?
Maybe because he saw the Jews selling out Germany in WWI, leading to its defeat and humiliation by way of the Versailles Treaty,
saw world Jewry declare war on Germany in 1933, and before that saw the Jewish Bolsheviks destroy the Russian Orthodox church
and start the Holodomor in Ukraine.
>millstones for all.
I really like being a friendly, peaceful anon. Hugs and snuggles, and all that.
My mood is changing with how I see the world going, now. Throat slitting time.
> We pray, but in terms of action, what recourse do we have but to fight.
Amen, anon. It's cloak-selling time.