Don't send them to anon's house. They might get the wrong message re: human genitalia.
>The question is what are we going to do now that we know ?
Thousands of years of indoctrination take a hu-while to unprogramm-i-fy. I'm curious to see where this "Fauci, CDC, medical community is fucked up" scenario goes. Maybe by the next 2 generations, everyone will be more "complete" and also much less pharma'd up, and hopefully, finally thinking clearly as a collective.
>Is it to boost employment numbers or to mismanage funds to private 'taxx firms'?
Everything Biden does is a direct result of people in his administration trying to flail their way into intimidating and punishing Americans. In some cases, it looks like they are "succeeding". What's really happening, is, the enemy is showing their hand(s) all over the place.
"…take it for what it's worth"
Gulags, folks. Gulags. Bolsheviks weren't Russian, but it's important to remember, that none of this has shit to do with race; especially racial identities that have been stolen. Race doesn't even matter to them, remember? Are there groups of people that use race to get others to fight each other while they consolidate power and, perhaps, claim some racial superiority because they are shifty tricksters? Yes; absolutely. Don't be like shifty tricksters. See past their games.
Jim's smart, ya know. Subtle, too (take a look at his shirt in the video, then compare to the first pic). Takes a lot of work, patience, and energy to help save humanity. Hardly anything is as it seems, but God uses it regardless.