Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.13814467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ron DeSantis tells NCAA, 'woke corporations' where they can shove their threats over transgender sports law


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) revealed Tuesday exactly where the NCAA and "woke corporations" can shove their money and events if they don't like Florida's effort to protect girl's sports from transgender athletes.


On Tuesday, DeSantis signed into law the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act," which prohibits biological males who identify as transgender females from competing on female sports teams, both in high school and at the collegiate level.


The purpose of the law, according to DeSantis, is to protect the integrity of women's sports.


"The bill that we're doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida," DeSantis said. "It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. And we're going to go based off biology."

How did DeSantis respond to corporate pressure?


Speaking with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, DeSantis said he called the bluff of organizations like the NCAA.


The NCAA, the sanctioning body for most collegiate athletics, threatened to withdraw events from states that pass laws preventing biological males who identify as transgender females from competing in women's organized sports.


Recalling his response to the NCAA's threats, DeSantis made it clear the pressure would not work. "To hell with these events," DeSantis said.


"I remember the NCAA put out a statement saying any state that enacts this, we're not going to hold events there. So I called the speaker of the House in Florida and I said, 'Did you hear what they said?' And he's like, 'Yeah.' I said, 'We definitely got to get this done.' You can't be cowed by these organizations, or particularly by woke corporations, from doing the right thing," DeSantis explained.


The Republican governor said protecting women's athletics is worth the cost of losing NCAA events.


"We have to protect our girls. It is discriminatory to force them to compete against biological males," DeSantis said. "If the price of having a tournament is that I have to deny equal opportunity to hundreds of thousands of young girl and women athletes throughout Florida, I am much more willing to stand with the girls. And to hell with these events."


"If corporations want to come in and try to bully us around, they are going to go nowhere. It's going to be like hitting their head against a brick wall," he added.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.13814473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4648 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Twitter suspends account of Nigerian president for ‘abusive behavior’


Twitter has temporarily suspended Nigeria’s president from the site over complaints that he had threatened genocide against rebels.


President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday warned insurrectionists that they were in for a “rude shock” — then tweeted a message referring to the 1967-70 civil war that killed 1 million people.


“Many of those misbehaving today are too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War,” he tweeted.


“Those of us in the fields for 30 months, who went through the war, will treat them in the language they understand,” he wrote in what was taken as a warning of a fierce crackdown on rising violence in the southeast.


Twitter confirmed to Reuters that Buhari’s message was removed for violating its “abusive behavior” policy, also leading to a 12-hour suspension of his account.


Nigeria has seen a spate of arson attacks on electoral offices and police stations in recent weeks, especially in the southeast. Officers have also been killed.


Authorities have blamed a banned separatist group, the Indigenous People of Biafra, which has repeatedly denied involvement.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.13814478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632 >>4648 >>4692 >>4749 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

D.A.R.E. Cop Indicted for Busting 5 Young Boys for Weed, Raping Them Afterward


Doylestown, PA — The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program should better be called an hilarious exercise in how not to convince kids to keep away from substances the state deems illegal. As cops hopped on their high horses and had children pledge not to do drugs, the rate of drug use skyrocketed — thrusting the country into one of the worst drug epidemics in human history. The hypocrisy by the cops who pushed the D.A.R.E. program has been well-documented over the years, explaining, at least in part, as to why the program was such a failure from the start. Now, another cop who pushed kids to ‘just say no’ has been arrested and accused of disturbing criminal activity.


Warminster Township Police Officer James Carey swore an oath to protect the children of Doylestown and instead of protecting them, according to a recent indictment, this cop preyed on them. Adding to the insidious nature of Carey’s alleged crimes against children is the fact that he committed them while pretending to be a role model as the school district’s D.A.R.E. officer.


As we reported in April, Carey, 52, is facing over 100 charges. A grand jury presented a whopping 80-page indictment against Carey detailing 122 counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault and other related charges.


As we reported at the time, police believed there may have been other victims and there were. After yet another victim came forward, Carey has been indicted on a slew of new charges.


Carey was accused of raping multiple boys while working as the D.A.R.E. officer at elementary, middle and high schools in the Centennial School District. The incidents allegedly spanned the course of decades taking place between 1987 and 2009 and involved at least five boys, maybe more.


“Carey ingratiated himself into the lives of minor children, in particular, those who were already facing challenges in their lives,” the Bucks County District Attorney said in a statement, according to “He used his position and authority to groom, not only the children, but their adult caregivers. The grooming tactics he used were pervasive, manipulative and calculated such that he not only lowered the minor’s guard but also attempted to provide an assurance that his crimes would go unreported and if reported, not believed.”



According to the indictment, Carey met his victims at school and would lure them to places outside of campus to prey on them, including on overnight camping trips to the Poconos and to Camp Ockanickon, a Boy Scout facility in Medford, Burlington County, according to the district attorney.


“We identified Goodenough’s victims who were linked to him through the Boy Scouts,” Weintraub said.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.13814485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4648 >>4654 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

NYT Reporter Said Americans Acted Like ‘Selfish Pigs’ During COVID, Unlike Chinese Who Acted ‘Heroically’- Fauci Agreed


"Meanwhile, in America, people tend to act like selfish pigs interested only in saving themselves."


Then-New York Times star reporter Donald McNeil sent a lengthy email to Anthony Fauci characterizing Americans as “selfish pigs” for their behavior during the early days of COVID-19, and Chinese as “heroic” – citing a well-known state propaganda outlet for the Chinese Communist Party. Fauci seemed to agree with his characterizations.


“The truth is that a lot of average Chinese behaved incredibly heroically in the face of the virus,” wrote McNeil, after noting that he was informed by known-CCP propaganda paper the South China Morning Post. “Meanwhile, in America, people tend to act like selfish pigs interested only in saving themselves.”


McNeil then noted that people in Alabama, where “the President – who is popular in Alabama” asked Alabamans to “take in” Americans recently returning from China, and was shocked to learn “the answer is “No! Keep them out!” At the end of his lengthy email, McNeil suggested Americans would have to work together in a bipartisan fashion not seen since either 9/11 or World War II to face the COVID-19 pandemic, and Fauci responded, “You make some very good points, Donald.”


Despite McNeil’s apparent personal relationship with Fauci, role as a health reporter at the New York Times, a paper where he wrote for 45 years, and his commitment to getting his news from Chinese state propaganda publications, McNeil was eventually fired from the New York Times after he allegedly used a racial slur during a student trip out of the country. The New York Times disciplined McNeil for his slur, but after The Daily Beast ran an article on the subject, a number of New York Times writers demanded successfully that McNeil be fired.


He later claimed he is not, in fact, a racist. According to the New York Times, McNeil asked, “’Am I a racist?’ Mr. McNeil wrote. ‘I don’t think so — after working in 60 countries over 25 years, I think I’m pretty good at judging people as individuals. But ‘am I a racist?’ is actually a harder question to answer about yourself than some self-righteous people think.'”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.13814488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4648 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Chinese Communist Conference Plots How To ‘Promote’ the ‘Powerful Weapon’ of Marxism.


The Chinese Communist Party hosted the World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties, where Xi Jinping described Marxism as a “powerful weapon” and participants plotted on how to “promote the world’s socialist and Communist cause.”


Taking place on May 27th in Beijing, the event was hosted by the International Department of the Chinese government’s Central Committee and counted “some 70 leaders and representatives from 58 political parties in 48 countries” in attendance. Communist leaders from across the world – including the United States – sent “congratulatory messages to the symposium,” which saw attendees focus on “how to promote the development of Marxism in the new era and how they can better work together to jointly cope with those challenges.”


International representatives, according to state-run media outlet Global Times, praised the Chinese Communist Party for playing a “significant role in promoting the world’s socialist and communist cause” and providing a “very important reference for Marxist parties in other countries.”


Xi also authored a celebratory statement for the event, describing Marxism as a “strong ideological weapon” and calling for attendees to help build a “shared future”:


According to state-run outlet Xinhua also outlines calls for “liberation” and a “new development of Marxism in the 21st century” in its description of Xi’s letter:


“Marxist science, which is a powerful weapon of thought to know and transform the world, reveals the law of human society’s development, points out the road for humanity to seek liberation, and has facilitated the process of human civilization, said Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.


Since then, the CPC has been combining Marxism with China’s reality and promoting the development of Marxism in accordance with China’s reality, time, and public, Xi said. […] He expressed the hope that participants of the symposium can pool wisdom, spark ideas, and strive for new development of Marxism in the 21st century.”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.13814489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dem dark-money group with ties to Chuck Schumer tried to depress Republican turnout, falsely accused GOP candidates of having liberal positions


A Democratic dark-money group with ties to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) reportedly paid for deceptive attack ads that aimed to depress Republican voter turnout in the 2018 midterm elections, according to records reviewed by Axios.


Then-Republican Senate candidates Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) as well as then-Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and now-Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) were targeted with attack ads that hit them from the right, falsely accusing them of holding liberal positions on key issues important to conservatives.


The ads were purchased by a nonprofit group called the Coalition for a Safe and Secure America. Tax records obtained by Axios reporter Lachlan Markay reveal that CSSA received a majority of its funding from Majority Forward, a nonprofit linked to the Senate Majority PAC, a super PAC that works on behalf of Senate Democrats.


In 2018, Majority Forward made a $2.7 million donation to CSSA, which was more than half of the $4 million CSSA raised that year. CSSA then turned that money around to buy direct mail and digital advertising campaigns attacking Republicans in competitive Senate races.


The digital ads ran on Facebook pages specifically tied to the states where each candidate was running for Senate. They accused Republicans of being weak on certain conservative issues.


Facebook users were told that Hawley, for example, "sides with Washington liberals against gun owners" and was a "pro-government gun control, career politician."


Another ad that ran in Indiana accused Braun of wanting to raise taxes.


Some of the ads that CSSA ran encouraged conservatives to support independent or Libertarian Party candidates. These ads were timed to coincide with the general election, not Republican primaries, showing how Democrats wanted to depress voter turnout for Republican candidates to win Senate races.


Incumbent Sen. Dean Heller lost his bid for re-election that year and Matt Rosendale failed to unseat Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), though he was later elected to the House of Representatives in 2020.


"Laws allowing nonprofits to engage in limited political activity permitted Majority Forward to finance these ads in a way that made it impossible to trace the money until years after the elections at issue," Markay reported.


Several Senate Democrats have in the past openly opposed so-called dark-money groups spending money raised from anonymous donors for political purposes. Yet, NBC News reported last year that Democratic-aligned dark-money groups outspent Republican groups for the first time ever in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.13814497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4516 >>4527 >>4580 >>5130

Behar: Republicans Are Trying to Take over the Country ‘So the Fascists Can Rule’


Joy Behar told her co-hosts Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that Republicans were “taking over the country so the fascists can rule.”


Discussing the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre, Behar said, “Well, what resonated is that finally, a president of the United States is talking about this moment in history. I mean, what happened to Kennedy? What happened to Carter? What happened to Reagan, Bush, even LBJ, who is from Texas? Oklahoma is right next door, if I recall. Why is Joe Biden talking about it now? He’s talking about it now because African-Americans in this country will not put up with the white-washing anymore. They will not put up with it. White supremacy is on the rise yet again. Those people would like to suppress the evidence of the dirty deeds that were done in their name back 100 years ago and are continuing to go on, maybe not to that extent, but in legal issues and all sorts of shenanigans going on. In the voting rights right now.”


She continued, “The same people who would keep us from knowing about incidents in Tulsa are the same people who would like to keep us from knowing what happened exactly at the Capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021. I’m looking at you, Mitch McConnell. I’m looking at you and Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and Marjorie Taylor Greene and all those people. They would like to keep it under wraps. Why is that? You have to ask yourself that question.”


Behar added, “This is not just an American problem. This type of taking over the country so the fascists can rule is happening in a lot of places. Hungary, for example, Viktor Orban. I was listening to a very intelligent guy about how Viktor Orban took a democratic society in Hungary and turned it into a fascist government the same way they’re trying to do it here, voter suppression, stacking the courts with crony judges. All sorts of things like that. Be aware, we’re losing our country.”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:45 a.m. No.13814507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don’t ‘Scamper Down a Rabbit Hole’ Every Time a New Variant Emerges, UK Govt Scientist Says


The United Kingdom should not “scamper down a rabbit hole” every time a new coronavirus variant emerges, said a leading science advisor to the British government, who called for a more “balanced” approach to the Chinese virus.


Regius professor of medicine at the University of Oxford, Sir John Bell, waded into the debate on whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson should follow through on fully returning freedoms to the British public after over a year of lockdown restrictions.


Sir John, who serves on the government’s vaccine task force, told the BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Wednesday that he is “encouraged” by the latest data. He went on to say that after the UK recorded zero coronavirus deaths on Tuesday, the “numbers don’t look too intimidating”.


“I do think we need to keep our eye on hospitalisations, serious disease and deaths which is really what we are trying to manage,” he said.


“If we scamper down a rabbit hole every time we see a new variant we are going to spend a long time huddled away so we do need to keep a bit of balance to the discussion and keep our eyes on the serious disease that we are trying to prevent,” Sir John concluded.


While deaths have dropped precipitously following the peak of the second wave of the virus in January — with many pointing to the UK’s vaccination programme — segments of the scientific establishment have been pushing the notion of a possible third wave as justification for continuing lockdown restrictions passed the June 21st “freedom day”.


Third Wave? Zero Daily Coronavirus Deaths Recorded in the UK For First Time Since Pandemic Began


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 2, 2021


Speaking to reporters at a Downing Street press briefing on Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he has seen “nothing in the data” to suggest that the planned end date for coronavirus lockdown restrictions should not go ahead.


“I can see nothing in the data at the moment that means we can’t go ahead with step four of the opening on 21 June,” Johnson said.


The British leader did caution that a final decision on the freedom day has not been made and that the government needs to be “cautious” because of a rise of infections amid the so-called Indian variant.


“What we need to work out is to what extent the vaccination programme has protected enough of us — particularly the elderly and vulnerable — against a new surge.


“There, I’m afraid, the data is just still ambiguous and so every day we’re having long sessions where we’re interrogating all the data, we’re looking at all the various models and the best the scientists can say at the moment, in their guidance to us, is that we just need to give it a little bit longer.”


Chances of Lockdown ‘Freedom Day’ Going Ahead in June ‘Close to Nil’: Report


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 19, 2021

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.13814515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SINISTER: EU Proposes Post-Pandemic ‘Digital Identity’, as Vaccine Passport System Goes Live


The European Union will introduce a government-controlled and cross border “digital identity” app for EU citizens as a part of the bloc’s post-pandemic “transition”.


In a speech given to the EU’s 2021 Digital Assembly on Tuesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that Brussels is planning to develop a government digital wallet, saying: “We want to offer to Europeans a new digital identity.”


“It will allow everyone to control their identity online, and to interact with governments and businesses, across the EU,” von der Leyen said.


The top Eurocrat claimed that such a government system would protect individual privacy from big tech Silicon Valley companies, with the safeguarding of information being left up to the globalist institution.


“With our proposal, we are offering an alternative to the models of big online platforms. We believe in a human-centred digital transition,” the EU Commission leader said.


The EU digital wallet scheme is expected to be rolled out live sometime next year, according to a report from the Financial Times.


The app would store information on users, such as official documents like drivers licenses and passports, as well as payment details and passwords. The app would be able to be accessed with biometric data such as a fingerprint or retina scan.


The digital identity would give citizens the ability to access local government websites, pay utilities, and even rent cars in all 27 member states through the use of the centralised app.


While the scheme will reportedly be optional, sources involved in the project told the paper that those who sign onto the system will enjoy the “greater flexibility ideal for post-pandemic life”.


An EU source said the digital wallet would be “simple, secure and it will protect people online.


“People will also have the power to decide how much information they give out while Google and others don’t let you decide what you’re giving away.”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.13814536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JBS Says "Significant Progress" After Ransomware Attack, Sets To Reopen Meat Plants Wednesday


JBS SA, the world's largest meat producer, released a statement in the overnight session stating "significant progress" has been made to resolve a ransomware attack that paralyzed its US operations and some plants in other countries.


"Our systems are coming back online, and we are not sparing any resources to fight this threat," JBS USA CEO Andre Nogueira said in a statement.


"Given the progress, our IT professionals and plant teams have made in the last 24 hours, the vast majority of our beef, pork, poultry and prepared foods plants will be operational Wednesday", Nogueira said.


The cyberattack forced the shutdown of all JBS' US beef plants, which account for almost a quarter of American supplies.


"On Sunday, 30 May, JBS USA determined that it was the target of an organized cybersecurity attack, affecting some of the servers supporting its North American and Australian IT systems", JBS said at the time.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.13814549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4566 >>4567 >>4869 >>5175

When Pressed on Why US Has Seen Two Massive Cyberattacks Under Biden, Psaki Tells Peter Doocy to Track Down Russian Hackers and Ask Them


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday was pressed on why the US has seen two massive cyberattacks since Biden was installed.


In the last month, ransomware hackers have targeted the Colonial Pipeline and the world’s largest meat supplier.


A few weeks ago ransomware hackers shut down the Colonial Pipeline, creating gas lines and shortages in Southeastern states.


JBS, the world’s largest beef supplier was hit with a ransomware attack on Sunday, threatening US meat supply.


One-fifth of US beef production was wiped out after JBS paused processing at five of its biggest beef plants which manage a total of 22,500 cattle per day.


The reality is no one fears a Biden Administration.


Joe Biden is a feeble man and the world is laughing at us.


Jen Psaki blamed the private sector for getting hacked and told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy to ‘track down the Russian hackers and have a good chat with them.’


This is how the Biden White House responds to something as serious as one-fifth of the US experiencing gas shortages and one-fifth of US beef production being wiped out.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13814591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4631 >>4648 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

White House Admits Staging Fake Vaccination Operation To Gather DNA From The Public


[Editor’s note: Since several readers have missed it, notice my second embedded image, where I reported on 26 January 2013–and earlier as well–that Osama bin Laden had died on 15 December 2001 and was buried in an unmarked grave. They used various fake “Osamas” in the meanwhile, as I also reported on Scholars for 9/11 Truth:


Given I was among the first to report the facts of the matter, don’t be misled: the government lies to us all the time, as this case so vividly displays.]


The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called “war on terror.” The aim of the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, was to use DNA analysis to identify suspected terrorists who would then be targeted to be killed by the United States.


As the New York Times reported in 2011, “In the months before Osama bin Laden was killed, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a phony vaccination program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, as a ruse to obtain DNA evidence from members of Bin Laden’s family thought to be holed up in an expansive compound there.” (1)


“CIA agents recruited a senior Pakistani doctor to organize the vaccine drive in Abbottabad, even starting the “project” in a poorer part of town to make it look more authentic,” reports The Guardian (2).


Now the White House says it will no longer use fake vaccination campaigns as a tactic in the “war on terror.” And the people of the world are supposed to automatically trust this promise even though it comes from the exact same regime that ran the deceptive vaccination operation in the first place.


It’s almost as if the White House is saying, “Yeah, we ran a fake vaccination op; we harvested the DNA of your children; we lied to your people under the cover of public health and we got caught… but NOW you can trust us! We promise!”


This seemingly ludicrous promise just surfaced this week as part of a White House announcement that the United States would “not use vaccination programs as cover for spy operations,” according to Yahoo News. (3)


The White House is concerned that because of the CIA’s use of fake vaccination programs in the past, people in the Middle East no longer trust vaccines. (Gasp! Imagine that!) This has nearly the entire medical establishment freaked out, terrified that somebody somewhere might say “No!” to vaccines and thereby destroy the entire human civilization with polio. Click here to read my recent story on W.H.O. fear mongering and hysterics surrounding the fabricated polio “global health emergency.”


According to Yahoo News, White House anti-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco has now relayed this new claim to the deans of 13 public health schools in the United States. She reportedly added, “the agency will not seek to obtain or exploit DNA or other genetic material acquired through such programs,” once again confirming the CIA had been using fake vaccination programs to acquire DNA samples in order to track down human targets for termination.


All this validates the true description that vaccines have been used as weapons of war against individuals the United States considers to be its enemies.


I remember reporting on this several years ago and being called a “conspiracy theorist” for doing so. Yet once again, the facts have emerged that proved us correct in being intelligent conspiracy analysts who investigate deception in the world.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.13814604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4637

Sackler family launches website to 'set the record straight' over OxyContin - but it buries mention of company's guilty pleas to federal crimes and $8.6BN fine


A branch of the scandal-hit Sackler family has launched a lavish website to deny claims they are to blame for the opioid crisis - despite agreeing to pay a multi-billion dollar settlement to its victims.


The site, called, claims the Sackler's firm Purdue Pharma is the victim of a smear campaign, even though the company admitted misleading the public about the strength of prescription painkiller OxyContin. It was created by late co-founder Raymond Sackler's branch of the family.


Raymond - one of three brothers to found Purdue - went on to become the company's chief executive officer, and died aged 97 in 2017. He had two sons - Jonathan, who died of cancer last year, as well as Richard. Richard's son David was on the Purdue board of directors from 2012 to August 2018.


Their new site has six sections - including information on the history of the opioid crisis, and another section called 'Correcting the Record' which attacks alleged errors in lawsuits filed against Purdue, media stories and even scientific studies.


It also includes a section listing the many national publications the Sacklers claim have been required to correct inaccurate coverage of Purdue, OxyContin and the Sacklers themselves.


The website's claims of misinformation come despite the Sackler family paying out nearly $9 billion to settle lawsuits in over claims they shouldered a large part of the blame for the opioid crisis. That crisis has so-far seen 500,000 Americans die after becoming addicted to powerful painkillers.


The site says the 'Sackler family regrets that OxyContin…. unexpectedly became part of the opioid crisis' and offers what it describes as 'publicly available, verifiable information' that 'corrects falsehoods and sets the record straight'.


The site buries any mention of the company's guilty pleas to federal crimes between 2007 and 2020 for which it was fined $8.6 billion in total. No mention of the guilty pleas appears on the site's homepage.


A page entitled 'guilty pleas' is accessible through a sub menu, but it does not mention the fines. It does point out that the Sacklers themselves were not charged, and mentions that the family 'vigorously denies any wrongdoing'.


Purdue has been hit with hundreds of civil lawsuits, class actions and criminal charges in state and federal courts since the early 2000s.


In 2007, the family firm pleaded guilty to misleading the public about OxyContin's risk of addiction and paid a $600 million fine to Department of Justice - one of the largest pharmaceutical settlements in history.


Three senior executives - none of them members of the Sackler family - pleaded guilty to the criminal charges, and the firm pledged to follow strict new ethics guidelines.


In October 2020, the company agreed to pay a further $8 billion in a deal with the Justice Department to settle civil and criminal investigations into Purdue Pharma's aggressive marketing of OxyContin.


The deal allowed members of the family and company officials to avoid jail time.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13814612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4642 >>4648 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

UCLA gynecologist appears in LA court as he faces 21 counts of sexual abuse of his patients over the course of nine years


A former gynecologist at the University of California, Los Angeles appeared in court on Tuesday as he faces 21 counts of sexually assaulting his patients over the course of nine years.


Dr. James Heaps, 64, appeared at an arraignment hearing at Los Angeles Superior Court.


He was indicted by a grand jury last week on multiple charges of sexually assaulting seven women, including one patient who was unconscious during his time serving as the gynecologist for UCLA.


He faces multiple counts of sexual battery by fraud, sexual exploitation of a patient and sexual penetration of an unconscious person by fraudulent representation between 2009 and 2018. If convicted on all charges, Heaps faces up to 91 years in prison.


He has previously denied the charges and any wrongdoing.


'Dr. Heaps is confident he will be exonerated at trial,' his attorney, Leonard Levine, told The Los Angeles Times.


Heaps was first arrested in June 2019, prompting some 300 women to come forward and accuse him of sexual misconduct, claiming he touched them without gloves on during breast and pelvic exams, made lewd comments and simulated sexual intercourse, often roughly, with a transvaginal ultrasound wand.


One of the accusers, Gabriela Vasquez, a former medical assistant at UCLA, spoke on The Today Show about her experience with Heaps in January 2017.


'He was introducing the ultrasound and was simulating as he was having sexual intercourse with me,' she recalled. 'And I said, "This is not OK, this is not right."


She said she immediately called her supervisor to report the incident, but nothing was done until December 2017, nearly one year later.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:07 a.m. No.13814621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4630

Absolutely NOT safe and NOT effective: FDA and CDC lied about vaccine efficacy to obtain ’emergency authorized use’ (EAU) for highly-suspect human medical experiment using mRNA


As they say, the proof is in the pudding. COVID-19 shots have been the deadliest inoculations ever documented, by far, and that’s according to the CDC’s very own data. More people have died from Covid vaccines (approaching 5,000 now) than all vaccine deaths totaled since the 1950s. No wonder why. They couldn’t even reach the EAU (emergency authorized use) 50 percent efficacy threshold for approval, and that is pretty sad, but worst of all, these ‘treatments’ are super dangerous and haphazard.


Safety thresholds have been thrown out the window with all of these Covid jabs from all three manufacturers. They always assume that none of us can remember what happened last month or last year, but some of us can (the unvaccinated) and do, and we review the data and the findings too. Investigative journalists who support clean living and healthy living must expose the truth to the masses, or the “fence riders” (those not sure whether to vax-up or not) have no chance at all.

Scamdemic Alert: Gene-tampering Covid jabs offer ZERO safety or effectiveness proof, while causing blood clots around the world


In the summer of 2020, the FDA’s commissioner stated that in order for the vaccine manufacturers to even get just emergency authorized use, they had to cross the minimum threshold of 50 percent efficacy, that’s according to their own documented standard, and even if they did, that would only be considered a medical experiment, not some mass campaign to inoculate more than 70 percent of the world’s populace in less than 6 months. So how did they even get 50 percent efficacy, when the shots haven’t proven that ANYBODY at all is yet immune to Covid? Easy. Fake the research. Fake the results. Fake everything.


All Covid vaccines are actually a crime right now because none of them even meet the EAU threshold. FDA testing reveals more than half of the test-subject participants came down with Covid-19 within 7 days post vaccination, but the symptoms were labeled “reactogenicity” to alter the results in order to gain emergency approval. In other words, the FDA/CDC created a gray area where they say symptoms of Covid overlap with symptoms and adverse reactions or “side effects” of the inoculations.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13814627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK to central banks: LAUNCH your gov crypto or suffer the consequences



The ECB warns that countries that decide not to introduce digital versions of their currencies may face threats to their financial systems and monetary autonomy via @markets


— Robert Burgess (@BobOnMarkets) June 2, 2021


Despite the concerns about digital privacy being invaded by the “vaccine passports” that Europe has demanded of travelers, the EU is pressing ahead with plans to launch a “digital wallet” that would carry digital copies of a drivers’ license and credit cards (sort of like Apple Pay does) as Europe continues its transition away from cash.


According to the FT, the EU is preparing to unveil its plans for the bloc-wide “digital wallet” on Wednesday. The product is the result of what Brussels described as several states’ demands for the EU to create a digital tool to access important records and other products and services via the smartphone.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.13814652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

How a fascist party brought into Israel’s parliament by Netanyahu helped him start the war he wanted


After Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu paved its way into Israel’s parliament, the fascist Jewish Power party sparked anti-Palestinian pogroms, giving him a pretext to attack Gaza.


The day after a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas went into effect, ending 11 days of mutual bombardment that resulted in the deaths of some 250 Palestinians, 10 Israelis, and three Asian workers, mainstream Israeli commentators piled on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of launching the war for his own personal benefit.


The pundits noted that Israel’s pulverizing assault on the Gaza Strip began after the leader of the next-largest party in parliament had been handed the mandate to form a new government – one which would end Netanyahu’s twelve-year run as premier and strip him of the immunity he needs to stay out of prison, if he is ultimately convicted of the multiple corruption charges for which he is currently on trial.


All along, Netanyahu was equipped with the tools he needed to trigger a war that would preserve his control over the government.


In the week that led up to the heinous hostilities of the last two weeks, intense conflict erupted between Palestinians and Jews in occupied East Jerusalem at two locations: the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where Palestinian families are being evicted from their homes, to be replaced by Jewish settlers, and on the Noble Sanctuary, the esplanade of Islamic holy sites at the heart of the Old City.


In both cases, the Jewish groups who successfully escalated tensions into a wider war were the political partners Netanyahu had only just managed to get elected to parliament for the first time in thirty-three years: the Kahanists – Israel’s most racist and lethally violent political movement, which was responsible for murdering more than fifty Palestinian civilians in terror attacks over the past fifty years.


As ethnic tensions reached a boiling point, Kahanist leaders stoked the fury of Jewish supremacists across the country, directing them to vent their rage at Palestinian citizens of Israel, now protesting against the expulsions in East Jerusalem. On May 13, just hours after ferocious mobs of Jewish extremists stormed through mixed Jewish-Arab cities around Israel, sparking the worst race riots in Israeli history, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai warned Netanyahu that Itamar Ben Gvir – the leader of the Kahanist Jewish Power party who he had just helped get elected to parliament – was “bringing about a Jewish intifada.”



Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.13814667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houston gang member charged for trafficking young teen for sex

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.13814676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

HSI, Brazil Federal Police execute large-scale disruption of international arms trafficking organization


WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Brazil Federal Police partnership resulted in the binational arrests of key members of a major Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO) responsible for international weapons trafficking, and numerous other transnational crimes. On June 1, four arrest warrants and eight search and seizure warrants were carried out in the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro by Brazilian authorities, while one arrest warrant for a U.S.-based TCO member was simultaneously executed in Orlando, Florida by HSI Miami and HSI Orlando as part of Operation Iron Tire.


The Operation Iron Tire arrests were possible due to extensive coordination and cooperation efforts between U.S. and Brazilian law enforcement. The investigation uncovered a shipment of hundreds of firearm accessories from the United States to Brazil by the TCO, passing through the International Airports in Rio de Janeiro and SĂŁo Paulo to supply the largest and most dangerous transnational criminal organization in Brazil, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). From their origins as a Brazilian prison gang, the PCC expanded rapidly into a sophisticated international criminal network extending throughout the Americas and Europe, engaging in human and drug smuggling/trafficking, public corruption, money laundering, extortion, kidnapping, and murder for hire. The weapons trafficking case is the first documented instance of PCC members procuring firearms and weapons accessories directly from the United States to Brazil. The Brazilian investigation uncovered evidence that the smuggled items has been used in a violent confrontation with law enforcement in the State of Sao Paulo that resulted in multiple fatalities. The weapons and accessories were also purchased by a drug faction that currently dominates the narcotics trade in the Rocinha area of Rio de Janeiro.

“HSI Miami is committed to investigating and prosecuting transnational criminal networks involved in the illegal exports of arms and munitions,” said Special Agent in Charge, Anthony Salisbury. “We work diligently with our international partners to pursue the criminal organizations exploiting international borders to further their illicit enterprises.”


On March 19, 2019, the Brazil Customs and Revenue Service at the Rio de Janeiro International Airport seized a total of five packages containing fifty-five high-capacity magazines for 9 mm pistols. Subsequently, the Brazil Federal Police and HSI initiated parallel criminal investigations in Brazil and the United States to identify, investigate, and prosecute those responsible for these and other shipments, originating in Kissimmee, FL, Orlando, FL, and Tucson, AZ. One of the shipments contained twenty-seven AK-47 7.62 caliber rifle magazines concealed in a spare tire, resulting in the Operation name “Iron Tire.” Several additional operations took place in the United States, including a March 2019 seizure in Miami of a spare tire containing thirty rifle magazines bound for Brazil. These seizures were the result of real-time information exchange between Brazil Federal Police, HSI Special Agents, and HSI Task Force Officers assigned to Brazil, Miami, and Tucson, AZ.


HSI Brasilia and HSI Miami led U.S. investigative efforts in Operation Iron Tire, with significant assistance from HSI Tucson, HSI Orlando, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Miami, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in Miami. Brazilian investigative efforts were spearheaded by Brazil Federal Police Airport and Firearms Trafficking Groups based in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, with significant assistance from the Brazil Customs and Revenue Service and the Federal Prosecution Service’s Organized Crime Unit (GAECO) in Rio de Janeiro.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13814685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CBP Officers at the Laredo Port of Entry Seize Hard Narcotics Worth Over $3.5 Million


LAREDO, Texas—U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO) officers seized hard narcotics in two separate, unrelated incidents that totaled over $3.5 million in street value.


“In an effort to secure our nation’s borders, as these narcotics seizures clearly illustrate, CBP has implemented enforcement strategies that have furthered the disruption of dangerous drugs entering the country,” said Acting Port Director Eugene Crawford, Laredo Port of Entry.

Packages containing 167 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge

Packages containing 167 pounds of methamphetamine

seized by CBP officers at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge.


The first seizure occurred on Wednesday, May 26th, at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, when a CBP officer referred a 2000 Chevrolet for a secondary examination. The vehicle was driven by a 29-year-old male United States citizen making entry from Mexico. Following a canine and non-intrusive imaging system examination, CBP officers discovered a total of three packages containing 167.37 pounds of alleged methamphetamine concealed within the vehicle. The narcotics and the vehicle we seized. The driver was arrested, and the case was turned over to state and local law enforcement officials for further investigation.


The second seizure occurred later that evening, at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, when a CBP officer referred a 2007 Toyota Tundra for a secondary examination. The vehicle was driven by a 23-year-old male United States citizen making entry from Mexico. Following a canine and non-intrusive imaging system examination, CBP officers discovered a total of 14 packages containing 21.16 pounds of alleged cocaine concealed within the vehicle. CBP seized the narcotics and the vehicle. The driver was arrested, and the case was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations (ICE-HSI) special agents for further investigation.


The narcotics combined had an estimated street value of $3,510,664.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.13814696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4709

Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, and the SolarWinds Hack


The devastating hack on SolarWinds was quickly pinned on Russia by US intelligence. A more likely culprit, Samanage, a company whose software was integrated into SolarWinds’ software just as the “back door” was inserted, is deeply tied to Israeli intelligence and intelligence-linked families such as the Maxwells.


In mid-December of 2020, a massive hack compromised the networks of numerous US federal agencies, major corporations, the top five accounting firms in the country, and the military, among others. Despite most US media attention now focusing on election-related chaos, the fallout from the hack continues to make headlines day after day.


The hack, which affected Texas-based software provider SolarWinds, was blamed on Russia on January 5 by the US government’s Cyber Unified Coordination Group. Their statement asserted that the attackers were “likely Russian in origin,” but they failed to provide evidence to back up that claim.


Since then, numerous developments in the official investigation have been reported, but no actual evidence pointing to Russia has yet to be released. Rather, mainstream media outlets began reporting the intelligence community’s “likely” conclusion as fact right away, with the New York Times subsequently reporting that US investigators were examining a product used by SolarWinds that was sold by a Czech Republic–based company, as the possible entry point for the “Russian hackers.” Interest in that company, however, comes from the fact that the attackers most likely had access to the systems of a contractor or subsidiary of SolarWinds. This, combined with the evidence-free report from US intelligence on “likely” Russian involvement, is said to be the reason investigators are focusing on the Czech company, though any of SolarWinds’ contractors/subsidiaries could have been the entry point.


Such narratives clearly echo those that became prominent in the wake of the 2016 election, when now-debunked claims were made that Russian hackers were responsible for leaked emails published by WikiLeaks. Parallels are obvious when one considers that SolarWinds quickly brought on the discredited firm CrowdStrike to aid them in securing their networks and investigating the hack. CrowdStrike had also been brought on by the DNC after the 2016 WikiLeaks publication, and subsequently it was central in developing the false declarations regarding the involvement of “Russian hackers” in that event.


There are also other parallels.As Russiagate played out, it became apparent that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and a foreign power, but the nation was Israel, not Russia.Indeed, many of the reports that came out of Russiagate revealed collusion with Israel, yet those instances received little coverage and generated little media outrage. This has led some to suggest that Russiagate may have been a cover for what was in fact Israelgate.



Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:25 a.m. No.13814709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Last year, the WEF’s Centre for Cybersecurity, of which Salesforce is part, simulated a “digital pandemic” cyberattack in an exercise entitled Cyber Polygon. Cyber Polygon’s speakers in 2020 included former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, and IBM executive Wendi Whitmore, who previously held top posts at both Crowdstrike and a FireEye subsidiary. Notably, just months before the COVID-19 crisis, the WEF had held Event 201, which simulated a global coronavirus pandemic that crippled the world’s economy.


In addition to Samanage’s ties to WEF big shots such as Marc Benioff, the other main investors behind Samanage’s rise have ties to major Israeli espionage scandals, including the Jonathan Pollard affair and the PROMIS software scandal. There are also ties to one of the WEF’s founding “technology pioneers,” Isabel Maxwell (the daughter of Robert Maxwell and sister of Ghislaine), who has long-standing ties to Israel’s intelligence apparatus and the country’s hi-tech sector.


The Bronfmans, the Maxwells, and Viola Ventures


At the time of its acquisition by SolarWinds, Samanage’s top investor was Viola Ventures, a major Israeli venture-capital firm. Viola’s investment in Samanage, until its acquisition, was managed by Ronen Nir, who was also on Samanage’s board before it became part of SolarWinds.


Prior to working at Viola, Ronen Nir was a vice president at Verint, formerly Converse Infosys. Verint, whose other alumni have gone on to found Israeli intelligence-front companies such as Cybereason. Verint has a history of aggressively spying on US government facilities, including the White House, and created the backdoors into all US telecommunications systems and major tech companies, including Microsoft, Google and Facebook, on behalf of the US’ NSA.


In addition to his background at Verint, Ronen Nir is an Israeli spy, having served for thirteen years in an elite IDF intelligence unit, and he remains a lieutenant colonel on reserve duty. His biography also notes that he worked for two years at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, which is fitting given his background in espionage and the major role that Israeli embassy has played in several major espionage scandals.


As an aside, Nir has stated that “thought leader” Henry Kissinger is his “favorite historical character.” Notably, Kissinger was instrumental in allowing Robert Maxwell, Israeli superspy and father of Ghislaine and Isabel Maxwell, to sell software with a back door for Israeli intelligence to US national laboratories, where it was used to spy on the US nuclear program. Kissinger had told Maxwell to connect with Senator John Tower in order to gain access to US national laboratories, which directly enabled this action, part of the larger PROMIS software scandal.



Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13814728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4796 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

DoD Has No Plans to Investigate Former 3-Star Mike Flynn's Coup Comments, Spokesman Says


The Army on Tuesday evening said it is not investigating recent comments by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn that seemed to endorse a Myanmar-style coup in the United States.


Flynn, who briefly served as former President Donald Trump's national security adviser, made his comments Sunday while on stage at a "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" conference in Dallas. The event was attended by adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory and many who support the unfounded belief that the presidential election was stolen from Trump.


A video of the conference shows an audience member asking Flynn, "I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here?"


Cheers erupted from the crowd, and Flynn responded, "No reason. I mean, it should happen here. No reason. That's right."


Myanmar's military seized control of the country in a coup d'etat Feb. 1, returning the country to military rule. Violence has since erupted as Myanmar's military seeks to put down a protest movement. The New York Times reported that thousands have been injured and more than 600 killed in the violence.


Flynn reportedly walked back his comments Monday. CNN reported that a message posted to the social media website Parler from an account used by Flynn said that his words had been misinterpreted.


"Let me be VERY CLEAR – There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort," CNN quoted the message as saying.


Criticism of Flynn erupted swiftly after footage of his original comments spread online, including from some Republicans. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., tweeted a story Monday about Flynn's comments and wrote, "No American should advocate or support the violent overthrow of the United States."


Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Air National Guard lieutenant colonel and Illinois Republican, tweeted another story about Flynn's comments Monday and said, "Wow. NO. We will defend our Constitution."


Kinzinger then suggested he might investigate potential consequences for Flynn's comments. A person responded to Kinzinger and asked whether Flynn is immune from military punishment because he is now a civilian.


Kinzinger replied, "Depends if he has a pension. Not sure but I certainly will explore."


When asked whether the Army was reviewing or otherwise investigating Flynn's comments, Army spokesman Lt. Col. Gabriel Ramirez told the service is aware of his statements. But, he added, "The Army is not investigating these statements further at this time."


When asked at a press briefing Tuesday if the military plans to recall Flynn to active duty and court-martial him over his comments, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said he knows of no plans or interest in the Defense Department to do so.


He declined to offer a comment specifically on Flynn's remarks.


Recalling retirees to active duty for a court-martial remains a rarity, reserved for the most serious crimes. But even in the most high-profile Article 32 hearing of a general officer in the past decade the case against retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene, who was charged with sexually abusing his daughter in the 1980s he was not recalled. An Army judge later dismissed the charges, citing a statute of limitations on the charges.


Cases challenging the military's authority to court-martial retirees are currently winding their way through the court system, including United States v. Begani and Larrabee v. Braithwaite.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13814739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4829 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Global Elite Use 3 Giant Financial Companies To Control 88% Of The Corporations Listed On The S&P 500


There is no question that large corporations absolutely dominate our society today. They control what we eat, they control what we watch on television, they own most of the stores that we shop at, they provide the energy that our nation depends upon, and they make almost all of the products that we use. Tens of millions of Americans make a living by serving these colossal firms, and at this point some of the biggest corporations are larger than many small countries. But of course the corporations aren’t the top of the food chain. They have owners, and there are 3 giant financial companies that the global elite use to control 88 percent of the corporations that are currently listed on the S&P 500.


The three financial companies that I am talking about are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.


According to CNN, those companies have a combined 15 trillion dollars in combined assets under management…


BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street manage a stunning $15 trillion in combined assets, equivalent to more than three-quarters the size of the US economy.


But that is actually an old number.


I wanted to come up with a newer number, and so I started digging.


According to Wikipedia, BlackRock had $8.67 trillion in assets under management as of January 2021…


BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $8.67 trillion in assets under management as of January 2021.[citation needed][6] BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.[7]


Vanguard is nearly as big. According to Wikipedia, Vanguard had $6.2 trillion in assets under management as of January 2021…


The Vanguard Group, Inc. is an American registered investment advisor based in Malvern, Pennsylvania with about $6.2 trillion in global assets under management, as of January 31, 2020.[5] It is the largest provider of mutual funds and the second-largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world after BlackRock’s iShares.[6] In addition to mutual funds and ETFs, Vanguard offers brokerage services, variable and fixed annuities, educational account services, financial planning, asset management, and trust services. Several mutual funds managed by Vanguard are ranked at the top of the list of US mutual funds by assets under management.[7]


While not as large as the other two, State Street had $3.1 trillion in assets under management as of the first month of this year.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:35 a.m. No.13814758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4768 >>4782 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Isaac Herzog elected Israel’s 11th president, with 87 votes of Knesset’s 120


Jewish agency head, former Labor chief and son of 6th president defeats educator Miriam Peretz, says he’ll work to ‘build bridges’ within Israeli society and with Diaspora


Isaac Herzog, the chairman of the Jewish Agency and former head of the Labor party, was elected Wednesday as Israel’s eleventh president.


Herzog defeated Miriam Peretz, a social activist who overcame the loss of two of her sons in battle to become an Israel Prize-winning educator, with 87 votes, the most a presidential candidate has ever won, to her 26.


In the secret election, in which all 120 MKs were eligible to cast votes, three abstained, three votes were disqualified and one lawmaker, Ra’am chair Mansour Abbas, did not vote.


Herzog, who is the son of Israel’s sixth president, Chaim Herzog, and the grandson of Israel’s first chief rabbi, will succeed Reuven Rivlin when the latter’s term ends on July 9.


In his first speech after being elected, Herzog said he intended “to build bridges” within Israeli society and with the Jewish Diaspora, to encourage entrepreneurship, “fight antisemitism and hatred of Israel,” and “safeguard the foundations of our democracy.”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13814773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857

Hamas’ Leader in Gaza: ‘All our thanks goes to Iran for its total support’


Original link:


Video link:–zp-lk




In a recent press conference, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas movement in Gaza, said that ‘all thanks goes to Iran for its total support’ for his group and ‘the other Palestinian resistance factions’.


Sinwar further explained that Iran provided Hamas and the other Palestinian factions every form of support and aid that it possibly could throughout the years, and that this enabled the Palestinians of Gaza to ‘rock and shake the Israeli enemy’ in the latest conflict.


Source: Aljazeera Mubasher (YouTube Channel) Date: May 30, 2021

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Yahya Sinwar, Leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip:


We will open up the way for anyone who seeks to (help) rebuild Gaza, and to (help) remedy the economic situation or bring about an economic recovery in Gaza. The Egyptian brothers, whom we thank, announced an initiative and are prepared in this regard – (we completely) welcome them. The Qatari brothers are renowned for their support in such situations; we are sure they will keep supporting us and we welcomed them. The Turkish brothers…or our Kuwaiti brothers, who launched a great initiative and collected a huge amount of funds, and we trust our Kuwaiti people and others from the Arab and Muslim (world).


We will open up to all possibilities of participation in reviving the economic situation and giving our people in the Gaza Strip the chance to live. We will not inconvenience or ask anyone to give Hamas or al-Qassam “a single cent”. Hamas and al-Qassam have their own sources and income; they do not need to take anything from the funds intended for reconstruction and humanitarian efforts.


And in this regard, we have something that must be said; (our) thanks – all (our) thanks – goes to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which offered us unsparing and free-handed (support, aid & help) throughout all these years, whether to us (Hamas) or the other Palestinian resistance factions. By the Grace of Allah, (Iran freely provided us) with money, weapons, and training; and support in all areas. By the Grace of Almighty Allah – and (the Iranians) were with us even if they were not present on the ground (in Gaza); they were present through the capabilities they (granted us) to attack and rock the (Israeli) enemy.


They all work for Rothschild and Rothschild needs a war

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13814789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4902 >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Fauci's upcoming book scrubbed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble amid backlash


Book will allegedly offer "universal advice to live by."



White House coronavirus adviser and long-time U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci's upcoming book has been scrubbed from and altered on online listings, amid criticism that he is profiting from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.


The book, "Expect the Unexpected," was earlier pegged for a November release, according to its Amazon listing. As of Wednesday morning, the book's listing had been entirely scrubbed from Amazon. However, a cached version of the listing, still displayed the book's promotional description and preorder status.


A cached website also shows the book's listing on Barnes & Noble's website, though by Wednesday morning that listing was no longer live anymore.


The book appeared to still be available for preorder on some lesser known vendors such as Booktopia.


The scrubbing of the book comes after backlash from critics who accused Fauci of profiting off of the deadly pandemic the U.S. response to which he has overseen.


Among those criticizing Fauci is Fox News Channel contributor Joe Concha, who compared him to New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signing a seven-figure book deal about his efforts during the pandemic, which resulted in a high number of death among assisted-living residents.


"If you look at the numbers again, you had Cuomo profiting off a pandemic, a government official," said Concha, also a media reporter for The Hill newspaper. "Now we have Fauci doing it as well. I think this is appalling."


Daily Caller writer Greg Price slammed Fauci for "publishing a book and [becoming] the highest paid federal government employee while you lost your business and had your kids out of school for a year."


Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told "Just the News AM" on Wednesday that Fauci likely "got paid more than Andrew Cuomo" for the book.


"He'll get paid unbelievable amounts of money to tell all from his perspective," Meadows told show host Sophie Mann.


The cached listings describe the book as offering "inspiration in [Fauci's] unique perspective on leadership, expecting the unexpected, and finding joy in difficult times."


"With more than three decades spent combating some of the most dangerous diseases to strike humankind – AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19–Dr. Fauci has worked in daunting professional conditions and shouldered great responsibility," it continues. "The earnest reflections in these pages offer a universal message on how to lead in times of crisis and find resilience in the face of disappointments and obstacles."


Fauci was also part of former President Trump's coronavirus task force and is the director of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Disease.


The book listing also said the book will offer readers "inspiring words of wisdom … centered around life lessons compiled from hours of interviews, offering a concrete path to a bright and hopeful future."

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:43 a.m. No.13814798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal prosecutor was serial sex offender, watchdog agency finds


Federal and state prosecutors did not bring charges against the man accused of sexual harassment.



A federal prosecutor said to have sexually harassed and acted inappropriately towards female coworkers for years, but was never charged, according to a recently released Justice Department inspector general report.


Among those who accused the prosecutor of the harassment were an intern, a postal inspector, an FBI analyst, and another federal prosecutor, according to the report.


The report was released as a one-page document in November 2020 and released as an 11-page report Friday, following a Freedom of Information Act request by BuzzFeed News.


The report includes an instance of physical harassment in which the accused assistant U.S. attorney, whose name was redacted from the report, touched an intern's breast while reaching for a law book "and stared at her the entire time."


Other nonphysical instances of harassment include the attorney allegedly making "sexually suggestive" and "inappropriate" comments to the intern and other women.


Federal and state prosecutors declined to bring charges.


The women told investigators the attorney commented about their romantic relationships, often telling them to have affairs.


He also referenced their physical appearances highlighting parts of their bodies, and sent inappropriate messages over social media.


The women said his comments and actions interfered with their work, saying they made arrangements to avoid meetings or contact with him.


The investigators confirmed that the attorney had sexually harassed the intern and others in violation of federal regulations and Justice Department policy saying he likely committed "sexual imposition," a misdemeanor offense.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.13814805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4927 >>5085 >>5152

Intel Community Warns Biden of Terror Threat at Mexican Border


Biden admin memo acknowledges terror threat from border crisis


Intelligence officials told the White House in a classified briefing that individuals with ties to terrorist groups may be illegally crossing the southern border, contradicting claims by Democrats that the immigration crisis does not constitute a national security threat.


Immigrants with connections to Islamic terrorist groups have begun taking advantage of what one senior Customs and Border Protection official called "a porous border." In April, border patrol officers arrested two Yemeni nationals on a terrorist watch list. National security officials have pledged to assist officers in counterterrorism operations at the U.S.-Mexico border to help the strapped agency handle the influx of threats, according to a memo reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


The classified report on Yemeni nationals received "positive feedback" from senior Biden officials, according to one government document. It remains unclear whether the Biden administration ordered the study, which was written by Customs and Border Protection in conjunction with the National Counterterrorism Center. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.


"Our southern border is too easy to cross and everyone knows it, but unfortunately securing the border has become a partisan issue with Republicans in favor and Democrats against," Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) told the Free Beacon after reviewing the government document. "But let me tell you who doesn’t care about our domestic partisan politics: human traffickers exploiting vulnerable women and children from Central America, and those that wish to do us harm."


Customs and Border Protection officials have recorded a surge in foreign nationals arriving on the southwest border from outside Latin America in recent months. Individuals from as far away as India are attempting to seek asylum in the United States, claiming the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the economy in their home countries. The revelation underscores challenges facing the United States as it sees some of the highest levels of illegal immigration in recent history.


Democrats have downplayed national security risks associated with illegal immigration for years, alleging that such stories are nothing more than a false pretense for the GOP to crack down on the border.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.13814885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Commander Confirmed Meeting With British Intelligence Representative


A former commander of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has confirmed that the group leader Abu Mohamad al-Julani met with Jonathan Powell, a representative of the British Secret Intelligence Service MI6.


The Russian TASS news agency revealed the meeting in a report on May 31. The agency cited a diplomatic source in Moscow.


A day later, former HTS commander Saleh al-Hamwi, commonly known as “As al-Seera fi al-Sham,” confirmed TASS report in a post on his Telegram channel.


The commander was among the very first founders of the al-Nusra Front along with al-Julani, who later rebranded the group as HTS. In 2015, al-Hamwi was expelled from the group by the al-Julani. Nevertheless, he maintained contact with many of the group’s senior officials.


According to al-Hamwi, the meeting was held four years ago. A commander of HTS known as Hussam al-Shafi, “Abu A’asha,” arranged the meeting.


“A Russian news outlet confirms, and the British government does not comment, which is an acknowledgment,” al-Hamwi said on Telegram. “I revealed the meeting four years ago.”


The meeting was reportedly aimed at the establishing of contact with international terrorist groups active in Syria. During the meeting, Powell suggested that al-Julani should build close cooperation with European countries and the US.


Powell also recommended that al-Julani should give an interview to an American reporter, which apparently led to the terrorist recent interview with the Public Broadcasting Service’s Frontline series.


Today, HTS, which is supported by Turkey, is the de-facto ruler of the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. Al-Julani is supposedly wanted by the US. Yet, the attempts to whitewash him and his group are picking momentum in the West.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.13814906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fauci Emails Show NIH/NIAID Director Had No Checks or Balances on His Power Grab Over Our Nation, Fueled By Media Worship and Idolatry


Emails to/from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci have been released to both Buzzfeed [HERE] and the Washington Post [HERE]. The time frame of the release is January 2020 to mid-June 2020. [Cloud pdf With 3,200+ pages HERE]


Within the emails we discover, Fauci had some urgent, time sensitive discussions about “gain of function” research; the weaponization of the COVID virus. Fauci also told colleagues “retail masks don’t work” as protection from COVID due to the molecular size of the virus. Also the emails reveal that Anthony Fauci was very well aware the outbreak came from a possible lab leak.


Additionally, there is a warning from a scientist inside the NIH who warned Fauci that China was lying about virus, death rates, spread and data. A hubris filled Dr Fauci responded to the internal warning by telling the physicist his email was “too long for me to read.”… Yeah, think about that.


The man making decisions that would disrupt and perhaps destroy the lives of every single American tells the scientist sounding the alarm about China his explanation is too long to read.


Additionally, within the email release there’s a conversation with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Interestingly the redactions in the Facebook emails “(b)(4)” are about protecting: “trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person [that is] privileged or confidential”.


Which begs the question…. What exactly was Zukerberg offering Anthony Fauci?

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.13814922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Destroys Syrian Army Post In Golan Heights


On June 1st, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that it destroyed a Syrian regime observation post established on the Israeli side of the buffer zone in the occupied Golan Heights.


The army “destroyed a forward observation post of the Syrian army that was set up in an Israeli area west of the Alfa line in the Golan Heights,” spokesman Avichay Adraee wrote on Twitter.


He said troops attacked and blew up the post, adding that Israel would not “tolerate any attempt to violate the sovereignty” of the Jewish state.


Channel 13 showed footage of the troops going in and planting the explosives. Officers told the channel the posts were allegedly also used by Hezbollah fighters and pro-Iranian militias.


“We vaporized it,” one officer told the TV.


The report said the IDF had deliberately used ground forces instead of targeting the site from the air in order to send a message to Syria and Hezbollah that Israel would not tolerate any violations of its sovereignty over occupied territories.


Back in 1967, Israel captured large swathes of Syria’s Golan Heights during the Six-Day War. The territory has been occupied since then.


Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes in Syria since the beginning of the conflict there in 2011, mostly targeting Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces as well as Syrian government troops, though it rarely acknowledges them.


Its military has said it hit some 50 targets in 2020 alone.


Israel says it is trying to prevent Iran, which has been one of the Syrian government’s key allies in the decade-old civil war, from gaining a permanent military foothold on its doorstep.


In early May, Syrian state media and a war monitor said Israel had carried out air strikes in the southern Syrian province of Quneitra, near the border with Israel.


Syria’s state news agency SANA said there had been “an Israeli attack led by a helicopter in one of Quneitra’s zones” not far from the border with Israel.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.13814947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fauci-Linked Wuhan Researchers Aided U.S.-Sanctioned, China Paramilitaries in Oppressing Uyghur Muslims.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology – now believed by many to be a potential source for COVID-19 – collaborated on scientific research with the premier Xinjiang paramilitary force sanctioned by the U.S. government for “serious human rights abuses” against Uyghurs.


The revelation follows increased scrutiny over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for funding research on bat coronaviruses at the controversial lab and sending scientists to advise on risky gain-of-function research. In addition to funneling taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, whose website previously listed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a research partner, Fauci’s agency can now be linked to funding an entity collaborating with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC).


Both Biden and Trump’s Treasury Departments have sanctioned Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) leaders for “serious human rights abuse against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, which reportedly include mass arbitrary detention and severe physical abuse.” The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has also banned the entity’s cotton from entering the U.S., citing its links to prison and forced labor.


Mainstream media outlets including The Washington Post have identified the XPCC as an “instrument of repression” against Uyghurs, and Chinese state-run media outlets have described the group as an offshoot of the regime’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) intended to “maintain socialist stability” and ” become a top militia force in China” in the region.


Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has met with the XPCC, even praising them as a “stabilizing force.”


Despite these explicit military ties and human rights violations, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has met and signed collaborative agreements with officials from the XPCC.


A now-deleted post from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s website on August 3rd, 2013 reveals “scientific and technological cooperation” with the XPCC.


An event summary notes how the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Director, Party Committee Secretary, and Associate Researcher traveled to Xinjiang to meet with XPCC officials:


“On July 30, 2013, at the invitation of Beitun Science and Technology Bureau, 10th Division of Xinjiang Construction Corps, Chen Xinwen, Director of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuan Zhiming, Secretary of Party Committee of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Chinese Academy of Sciences Branch, Office of Science and Technology Cooperation Division, Wuhan Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences Director Li Wei and Associate Researcher Yan Jianping of the Arbovirus Vector Control Discipline Group of the Institute of Virology went to Beitun City to discuss cooperation matters.”


The meeting reportedly focused on the “implementation of the new science and technology project-biological mosquito control.”

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:12 p.m. No.13814965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4979 >>4987 >>5228 >>5238

Minors “able to give their own consent” to take COVID vaccine: Yukon's top doc


In a press conference today, Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley stated that while “parents are a very important part of this picture”, minors who are capable of understanding and “expressing” their wishes are “able to give their own consent” for the COVID-19 vaccine.


“Consent is based on capacity and not age,” said the top doc.


The comments were made in reply to a reporter asking whether youth need parental permission in order to get a COVID-19 vaccine.


Here's what Hanley had to say, in part:


“What we've always had to rely on is what we've always relied on for… youth and immunization, and for that matter, other health care decisions. And that is that… consent is based on capacity and not age. So adolescents are right in that age… that age bracket where they are starting to become autonomous individuals, and they're starting to learn how to make… decisions, and determine their own autonomy within the family and within society for that matter.


“So consent really works the same way. There is, actually, a one-pager, a bilingual one-pager on how that whole process works.


“…that doesn't mean to say that a parent does not — is not wanted. I mean, really, that's a conversation between the parent and the youth… ideally, those conversations should take place, in terms of questions about the vaccine. Some of the youth I know are doing their own research, they're asking their parents questions, they're asking others, they're talking with their peers.


“So it's really making sure that the child has that conversation, reviews the information on the mRNA information sheet, and then reaches an agreement about… who's going to provide the consent. Maybe it's a 12-year-old, 13, 14-year-old, and that consent is fully taken on by the parent, and that's fine.


“And it may be a slightly older child who then decides to make that decision.


“So really, it's having that conversation, and then deciding who's going to… bring that permission to the table… and always at that table, there's a chance to ask further questions.


“But definitely, the parents are a very important part of this picture. But a minor who is capable of understanding, and capable of expressing, is able to give their own consent.”


In Yukon, a minor is defined as a person under 19 years, and a child is a person under the age of 16.


For comparison, written parental consent is required for minors in the territory to work in a bar that serves alcohol, and the age of majority to purchase tobacco was raised from 18 to 19 in 2019.


You can watch the response for yourself here:

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13814991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Hacking Group Linked to Chinese Government Penetrated New York Transit Agency’s Computer Systems


A hacking group with links to the Chinese government penetrated the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s computer systems in April, the New York Times reported.


The hackers did not gain access to the systems that control the trains, but it exposed vulnerabilities.


The Chinese government does not fear the US because they own Joe Biden.


The New York Times reported:


A hacking group believed to have links to the Chinese government penetrated the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s computer systems in April, exposing vulnerabilities in a vast transportation network that carries millions of people every day, according to an M.T.A. document that outlined the breach.


The hackers did not gain access to systems that control train cars and rider safety was not at risk, transit officials said, adding that the intrusion appeared to have done little, if any, damage.


But a week after the agency learned of the attack, officials raised concerns that hackers could have entered those operational systems or that they could continue to penetrate the agency’s computer systems through a back door, the document also shows.


The breach was the third — and most significant — cyberattack on the transit network, North America’s largest, by hackers thought to be connected to foreign governments in recent years, according to transit officials.


In the last month, ransomware hackers have targeted the Colonial Pipeline and the world’s largest meat supplier.


A few weeks ago ransomware hackers shut down the Colonial Pipeline, creating gas lines and shortages in Southeastern states.


JBS, the world’s largest beef supplier was hit with a ransomware attack on Sunday, threatening US meat supply.


One-fifth of US beef production was wiped out after JBS paused processing at five of its biggest beef plants which manage a total of 22,500 cattle per day.


The reality is our enemies do not fear feeble Joe Biden.


Reminder Israel runs the high tec field and Chinese R&D

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:21 p.m. No.13815014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WEF’s “Invest in Forests” Exposed: Global Surveillance Grid


The World Economic Forum’s “Investing in Forests” program sounds great — who doesn’t want to plant more trees?


But behind its philanthropic appeal lies a global surveillance grid, monitoring all activity on the planet — just as prescribed by Agenda 2030 and their 4th Industrial Revolution.


Christian shares an unreleased document and reveals the truth in this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast.




SUBSCRIBE on bitchute:

On Odysee:



Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.13815026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Colombia’s Partnership with NATO Allows It to Breach Human Rights Without Condemnation


Since Joe Biden’s ascendency into the White House on January 20, he has emphasised that the U.S.’ foreign policy will be guided by human rights, even if it means calling out traditional allies. However, Washington is completely silent about the repression of anti-government demonstrations in Colombia, its closest ally in Latin America.


At the end of the May 28 meeting with his Colombian counterpart Marta Lucía Ramírez, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken even expressed “his concern and condolences for the loss of life during recent protests in Colombia and reiterated the unquestionable right of citizens to protest peacefully.” However, on the same day as Blinken’s statement, 13 deaths and hundreds of injuries were reported in Cali, the third city of Colombia. This occurred following demonstrations which degenerated into clashes between protestors and security forces.


People with bulletproof vests and guns shot at demonstrators in front of the police. The situation degenerated so badly that the military arrived to aid police to suppress protests against a new tax reform which will send many in the Middle Class into poverty. According to an official count, there are at least 59 deaths, including two police officers. There are also at least 2,300 injuries and 123 missing since protests began at the end of April. Human Rights Watch reported there were a total of 63 deaths as of May 27.


Yet, the U.S. is highly unlikely to denounce Colombia for this gross treatment of civilian protestors.


Colombia is Washington’s main ally in Latin America. For this reason, it is unsurprising that Colombia is one of the countries with the most security and military cooperation agreements with the U.S. These agreements mostly revolve around drug trafficking, civil conflict and destabilising neighbouring Venezuela.


In addition, Colombia is the only Latin American country to gain recognition as a global partner of NATO. This was achieved in 2018 only because of Washington’s insistence. This agreement allows Colombia to associate with the activities of the Atlanticist alliance, including maritime security and countering terrorism and organized crime. In exchange, Colombia receives military material and equipment from the U.S.


This agreement does not constitute a blank check for decisionmakers in the Colombian capital of Bogota. The bilateral relationship between Washington and Bogota proved to be more fluid under the aegis of Donald Trump, who at the time was being influenced by warhawk John Bolton, his National Security Adviser. However, as Colombia’s right-wing President Iván Duque is not completely ideologically aligned with Biden, many speculate that Washington wants to maintain some distance with the current administration in Bogota.


In order to take the opposite view of his predecessor Trump, who successfully used conservative and quasi-patriotic rhetoric to ascend to power, Biden wants to restore the image of American leadership internationally that was destroyed over the past two decades, particularly following the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, through terrorizing journalists and whistleblowers like Julian Assange. Such an approach involves the promotion of human rights and reviving the idea of ​​ Western-styled democracy against so-called authoritarianism – hence Biden’s willingness to take any opportunity to demonize Russia and China as they do not conform to Western liberal standards.

Anonymous ID: 3fc82a June 2, 2021, 12:32 p.m. No.13815086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099 >>5101 >>5190

Arizona Plans to Kill Death Row Inmates With Execution Method Used by Nazis in Auschwitz, Media Says


The gas that may be employed during executions in Arizona was used by the Nazis to kill people at extermination camps during World War II.


Authorities in Arizona are planning to use the same lethal gas the Nazis used in concentration camps to execute prisoners on death row, The Guardian reports.


While Arizona is one of the US states where the death penalty is legal, executions there were temporarily halted following the lethal injection that ended the life of Joseph Wood in 2014.


According to the newspaper, the documents they obtained show that over $2,000 was spent by Arizona’s Department of Corrections on procuring the ingredients to make cyanide gas, with a solid brick of potassium cyanide purchased by the department for $1,530 in December 2020.


Other items reportedly purchased by the department include sodium hydroxide pellets and sulphuric acid.


The documents also allegedly show that officials started testing the state’s gas chamber – which had been out of use 22 years – to assess its "operability."


As the newspaper points out, hydrogen cyanide – under the trade name Zyklon B – was used by the Nazis to kill more than one million people in gas chambers in concentration camps like Auschwitz.


"You have to wonder what Arizona was thinking in believing that in 2021 it is acceptable to execute people in a gas chamber with cyanide gas," said Robert Dunham, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Centre. "Did they have anybody study the history of the Holocaust?"


According to The Washington Post, Arizona’s move regarding the use of lethal gas in executions "comes amid a scarcity of execution drugs," while other states have apparently "taken a closer look at firing squads and other execution methods."