Anonymous ID: 0a5a24 June 2, 2021, 5:11 p.m. No.13816769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6778 >>6781 >>6872 >>6901 >>7115 >>7206 >>7239 >>7318 >>7352 >>7390 >>7432

MSNBC Host Interviews Fauci After Disastrous Email Release, Declares His Emails Are Above Reproach


"So you pass a test very few of us would pass, Dr. Anthony Fauci, thank you for spending some time with us talking about all of it, we're always grateful to get some of your time."


MSNBC host Nicole Wallace secured the first interview with Anthony Fauci since months worth of his emails were released to the public via a FOIA request yesterday, and despite multiple smoking guns making many question Fauci’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, she declared that his emails made him “look good” and that his inbox is above reproach.


“I read through your emails that were released,” claimed Wallace, ostensibly suggesting she read all 3,200 pages of emails released yesterday. Wallace then referenced Fauci’s email where he seemed shocked to learn that he would go four entire days without hosting a COVID-19 Task Force press conference alongside President Donald Trump and other White House officials.


“I wonder if you feel like you’re still making up some of that lost ground from many months under the last administration from not just no information but disinformation out there,” Wallace then asked. “There’s no doubt that there are people out there who for one reason or other resent me for what I did in the last administration,” admitted Fauci, before claiming that he did nothing “anti-Trump at all.”


“The true mark of someone is that they look good even when their personal emails come out,” said Wallace, while laughing and smiling at the decades-long government employee. “So you pass a test very few of us would pass, Dr. Anthony Fauci, thank you for spending some time with us talking about all of it, we’re always grateful to get some of your time.”


While Fauci refrained from ever saying something that could be conceived as anti-Trump in his emails, he agreed with multiple people who emailed him and criticized the Trump administration and 45th President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 virus. Several of his emails have also revealed troubling developments about how he handled the pandemic.


In one email, Fauci promised a Florida HIV doctor that he would pressure President Trump to convince Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to close bars, gyms, and beaches after the Florida governor initially refused to pursue a full lockdown. On February 5, 2020, Fauci advised a former Obama administration official and former employee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation not to wear face masks, noting that COVID-19 was larger than the fabric in most face masks and thus they would be irrelevant. The email also shows a stunning level of collaboration between Fauci and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who thanked Fauci profusely for his “leadership” and offered to use Facebook to help Fauci spread his message to “2.5 billion people worldwide.”


Perhaps most startling is an email between Fauci and CDC official John T. Brooks, which shows March Madness brackets filled in instead with viruses and diseases, and shows COVID-19 as the “champion” with Fauci’s name next to it.

Anonymous ID: 0a5a24 June 2, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.13816779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7115 >>7239 >>7318 >>7352 >>7390 >>7432

Experts shoot down Victorian government’s ‘alarmist’ claims about virus spread


The Victorian government’s claims a covid strain is spreading in faster and unexpected ways is being seriously doubted by experts.


Health experts have serious doubts over claims made by the Victorian government that the covid strain spreading in Melbourne is transmitting in faster and unexpected ways.


On more than one occasion this week, Victorian officials have described the new “Kappa” variant in the state as an “absolute beast” — saying it is passing between people on only “fleeting contact” with one another. They claimed it could be passed on by merely brushing past a stranger in a shop.


Yesterday, the state’s chief health officer Brett Sutton went further saying one person was infected at an indoor enclosed space “two hours after an infectious case had left”.


“(It) was therefore a substantial period of time but they had left two hours before the next exposed individual came in who has become a case,” he said. “That’s in the kind of measles category of infectiousness.”

Anonymous ID: 0a5a24 June 2, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.13816808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841 >>7115 >>7239 >>7318 >>7352 >>7390 >>7432

UPDATE From Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett – ONLY 14 PALLETS ARE REMAINING – Out of 44 Pallets! — And There’s More!




On Wednesday, Jordan Conradson spoke to Arizona Forensic Audit Director Ken Bennet regarding the pace and procedures of counting ballots in the historic Arizona Audit.


Here’s what Bennett had to say — THIS IS AN EXPLOSIVE UPDATE—


Jordan Conradson: Do have an updated total?


Ken Bennett: The best way for me to estimate the total is to count that we’re now down 14 pallets that haven’t been touched. When the county delivered the ballots on April 22nd, there were 46 pallets. Two of those were just test ballots and some others spoiled ballots and things like that, so pallets with ballots on them or about 44 and we’re now down to 14 so I think we’re quickly coming up on about 2/3 completed.


Conradson: How many boxes are on each pallet?


Bennett: Most pallets have 40 boxes on a pallet, some have 32, but most of them have 40 boxes and it varies but usually, a box has between 1200 and 1300 ballots in each box so a pallet usually has between 40 and 50,000 pallets or ballots on a pallet.


Conradson: So you’re getting through probably one a day, would you say?


Bennett: At least. I think we’re doing about one and a half pallets a day, and there’s only 14 left, so if we’re doing one and a half a day counting could be done in the middle of June.


Conradson: So maybe 10 days?


Bennett: Whenever, yeah. The paper valuation goes a little bit slower and is a little more technical all of these boxes in this corral over here have been counted but are awaiting the paper evaluation. There is a lot of work still yet to do on the paper valuation but they’ve increased the paper valuation tables from what was originally 8 to now there’s 32. they’re not all full yet but I think earlier today I saw 22 of the 32 an operation so the paper evaluation catch up quickly also.


Conradson: Alright and paper valuation, there’s a forensic scan of all of the ballots?


Bennett: Yeah see him they’ll scan the back of the ballot and then they’ll flip it over and scan the front of the ballot, then they’ll pass it to another person who puts it under the microscopic cameras that are looking at the alignment marks and also looking at the Oval in the presidential race to make sure that the Oval was filled in by human handheld device, not by a Xerox machine or something like that.


Conradson: And you guys are saving every single ballot image, assigning it a number and everything?


Bennett: Yes