Anonymous ID: da5066 June 2, 2021, 10:26 p.m. No.13818710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8734 >>8782


here's a real question… if they really were able to insert HIV splices into a corona virus, why isn't there an actual genetic sequence if it was human created? Any med/science anons have an idea? I mean if it was lab created, you would think they would have isolated it… non medical anon just wondering… is it all just part of the smog of war keeping everyone confused? because I am… ps don't believe in covid at all, called it a hoax in March 2020, will never tested, let alone vaxxed…said they are just renaming the flu from the beginning… the next needle going in my arm is for my autopsy if they care enough… but if humans created it, why isn't it isolated…

Anonymous ID: da5066 June 2, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.13818822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8837 >>8838


uhhhh $$$$$$… mass murdering peeps for cash, since they canceled all other medical visits to keep up the plandemic myth, they had to cover the 'administrator' costs…. they were sedating people, restraining them, venting them and watching them die… sick… can I get a dancing nurses tik tok video?

Anonymous ID: da5066 June 2, 2021, 11:32 p.m. No.13818918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8927 >>8928 >>8932 >>8936 >>8941 >>8969

while anon is covid obsessing, also want to file a report from the field… couple I am friends with got vaxxed… husband first… and then his wife even though I begged her not to, due to spouse pressure… they both got moderna… she busted out into a whole body rash, right after she got it, which she explained away as a bleach burn ?! and he is now sicker with a (non-covid?!?…) flu [hello 'breakthrough case] and coughing up a lung thinking he is about to die… which he might…. neither of these reactions will be reported to VAERs because they have explained their reactions away…. [hello cognitive dissonance] and these are friends of mine who heard me ranting about how evil this experimental shit is…. not despair fagging, but you can also include my entire family who was excited for free donuts and to get registered to win a lottery [if they don't die]… I have stopped trying to educate people and am resigned to nature sorting it out…

Anonymous ID: da5066 June 2, 2021, 11:38 p.m. No.13818932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


video link was not supposed to be embedded, it was from from an earlier post… 8kun weirdness, chalk it up to Mercury retrograde… this one seems like a doozy … keep yer heads on a swivel, goes through June 22….