if FJ is on "thin ice" it would explain why OSS is gone.
>If FJ is the BO, how can he be on thin ice?
-faking drama with watkins about qr not working, paving the way for the spaz bot, id fuckery, phishing, etc.
-recruiting only clowns for BV
-operating psyops against anons. who do you think oss was? among others.
-creating discord honeypot to phish anons and perpetrate his shillary
FJ may not have always been a clown, but he is now. unless you believe that in all his infinite wisdom and capabilities he still managed to get taken for a ride on the HBO doc situation.
he cant hes just the clown operating this shit show. unless watkins decides to kill QR, or the kun gets taken down like 8chan did.
meh. fake Q is fake Q. we'll see what happens. its no stretch to say the kun is kill and trumps new platform, and others will be the new home of the great awakening.