Because the West fighting with the East, fits [their] Plan. Looking at the domestic frauds who falsified domestic lab, med and death records does NOT fit in their plan as well.
Gain of Society-Destroying Function.
Kung Fungus is meaningless without the Domestic Fungus.
Dear Trump:
I just can’t understand why you want so much credit for such a questionable, liability-free, subcutaneous injection of magical unicorn piss?
Thisanon is baffled by this from Trump. So many of his clever maneuvers made sense, and did not run afoul of a do-no-harm methodology. But this one seems so confounding. Best guess is that it would have to be weighed against the speculation of how many WOULD/COULD have been killed if he did not so deeply involve himself, and maybe some fantastic operation IS afoot to save many many more lives. But i do not know how that can be proven after-the-fact?
For the very same reason people can fell better from a placebo. If you are terrified of vaccines, but also terrified of not getting it because of the social pressure… YES, a placebo can make you deathly ill.
I know. It’s so weird!