Free porn star for fishing? Where is this?
Southern fried chicken. My favorite.
Chicken in the South experience less gravity, making their meat more tender.
Yeah weekends are always a good opportunity for scandals to break out.
I usually go to Popeyes or Church's.
Fck I have always wanted to know the whole story so I can have an excuse to take sick leaves.
You wake up pretty early today. Excited about new $$$ coming in?
As long as there is publicity, there is money. Interesting strategy.
He has served his purpose.
Similar to the one Zuck was wearing during the testimony?
Very obvious. Both start with "Pe".
Don't analyze the behavior. Analyze the facts. Trump behaves sometimes just like AJ.
Even division over fried chicken.
Thanks for letting us know. I have considered purchasing them multiple times.
Always read between the lines. Read everything; trust nothing until proven.
Like a hollow earth.
Ladies with Q-shaped holes.
Please confirm via your live stream.
Is what is to come even difficult for anons to swallow?
The Bohemian Grove is way more sinister than the Bilderberg Group. The latter does not have a satanic theme to it.
The Jones and Corsi revelation is not totally unexpected. I look forward to any future revelations that are about to drop.
I like your pic.